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发布时间:2024-08-17 12:55:02 查看人数:37


有关英文道歉信 篇1


dear susan,

i’m very sorry that i was out when you came to see me yesterday evening. i’m afraid i’d gone to the pub with some friends and didn’t get back until 12 o’clock. i wish i had known you were in luoyang as you could have come with us. it would have been a good introduction to the night life! anyway, i will call on you at 10 o’clock on saturday morning at your hotel. we can have the day together, if you have nothing else planned? i’ll show you some of the places of interest that you may not have seen.

please let me know if you will be available on saturday morning.

best wishes

chen cheng

sample ii

dear mary,

i’m very sorry for not having replied to your july 6th letter sooner. when your letter arrived, i was in beijing. as my secretary couldn’t forward it to me, it has been lying on my desk until i got back.

thank you for all your news. it is good to know that your company has agreed to sign the contract to continue the cooperation with us. and we surely will have a bigger success in the near future.

look forward to catching up and once again apologize for the delay.




有关英文道歉信 篇2



dear prof. robin,

i am writing on behalf of the english department to invite you to give a lecture in our college.

we know that you are an e_pert on british literature. we would be very grateful of you could give a lecture on contemporary british literature to the english department on sunday, april 8. if this subject does not suit you, any other similar topic would be welcome as well.

if it is convenient for you, would you please drop me a line to let me know whether you can come or not? we could be looking forward to the opportunity to benefit from your e_perience and wisdom.

sincerely yours,

wang hua


有关英文道歉信 篇3


dear david:

i am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not having answered your letter dated 7,december sooner,but when i have told you the reason,i trust you will be convinced that the neglect was e_cusable.when your letter arrived,i was just in hong kong.as my family could not forward it to me during my absence,it has been,therefore,lying on my desk until the moment when i took it up.now the first thing i have to hasten to do is to write to you these few lines to e_press my deep regret.

i enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip。 i shall be pleased to give you an account to of them when i see you ne_t.

sincerely yours,

有关英文道歉信 篇4



dear miss ,

i’m your student tian chen. today i’m writing this letter to apologize for my absenteeism in your class with the mood of repentant and ashamed. i have already known my mistake and promised that it will never ever happen again.

when i got my steps into this campus, you and other teachers warned us have to attend classes on time and there was not allowed absenting. meanwhile i also was told that if i really have any reasonable reasons i suppose to ask for leave first. only after i got permission can i be out of the class. i have to e_plain why i was out this time. one of my friends came to visit me. that friend is someone who i really care about somehow lost touch with me for quite a long time. when he arrived here was the time happen to you class began. i chose to give up that class because i can’t wait to meet him after the class as well as in my opinion there is no need to ask for leave to you just for that inadequate e_cuse. even though i did that with deep compunction i still did that. that’s why the letter came to you: i’m showing my introspection of making such this mistake!

i do apologize for my absenteeism. the mistake i made run counter to my principals. i know you are angry with me. i’m so sorry to disappoint you. moreover, as a student, to attend every class without any stupid e_cuses is our liability and i didn’t perform the responsibility of being a student. after that i thought for a long time and it’s going to my time to pay the price for my impulsion. i have deadly wrong information in my mind which includes three reasons:

first of all is that i don’t have much thought consciousness. if i really interested in this class would i will be absent? definitely not. i should focus on study more meanwhile value the resources available for us right now. we will not have any classes like in campus when we go into society. how can we despise the precious chances!

secondly, lack of respect to either you or this class which is cannot be forgiven. from now on i going to show more respect to you and the knowledge as well as pay more attention to important affairs. the lazy in my body have to be gotten rid of.

the last one is that i made a bad influence upon other students. if everyone could be absent to the class then the situation will be out of control. there is no more discipline, no more regulation, will absolutely disturb the normal instructing.

above all, i already aware it’s a severe mistake. i promise i will behave myself much better in the future and completely eradicate this kind of things happen again. please forgive me this time and trust me in my future!

sincerely faithful,

your student: tian chen



有关英文道歉信 篇5



dear mr. wang,

i am writing to apologize for my late homework. the paper which you have assigned to us last monday was due this friday, but to my regret, i haven't even started it yet. i feel really sorry for not handing in the paper on time and for the inconvenience it would bring to you.

i have caught a serious cold last week and the doctor asked me to stay in bed for a week since i was very weak and the weather was very cold these days. therefore, i couldn't go to the library to get the necessary referential information which was needed for my paper. as a result of this, i have not started writing the paper yet and could not hand it in on time.

fortunately i have finally fully recovered. i will finish the paper as soon as i can and try my best to hand in homework on time in the future.

sincerely yours,

li ming

有关英文道歉信 篇6


英文道歉信朋友篇dear mary,

i am very sorry that i can not take part in your party . it is pity to me because of my emercy thing need to be dealt with . i hope you will have one good time for the party . i really love you ! please give my regards to our friends !if possible ,please do not forget to inform me if you have the party ne_t time . i shall come to it on time. if i could do something for your party ,please feel free to contact me . that would be my pleasure. above all , i apologize again for my absence from the party ! good luck to you all !

yours truly, ellen


有关英文道歉信 篇7


一封英文道歉信范文篇dear kate:

e_cuse me for my long delaying in returning to you your robinson crusoe which i read through with great interest. i had finished reading the book and was about to return it when my cousin came to see me.

never having seen the book, she was so interested in it that i had to retain it longer. however, i hope that in view of the additional delight thus afforded by your book, you will overlook my negligence in not returning it sooner.

thanking you again for the loan.

sincerely yours,


有关英文道歉信 篇8


用英文写道歉信篇i am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not having answered your letter dated 7, december sooner, but when i have told you the reason, i trust you will be convinced that the neglect was e_cusable. when your letter arrived, i was just in hong kong.

as my family could not forward it to me during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment when i took it up. now the first thing i have to hasten to do is to write to you these few lines to e_press my deep regret.

i enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip. i shall be pleased to give you an account to of them when i see you ne_t.

sincerely yours,



有关英文道歉信 篇9


dear mary,

i am very sorry that i can not take part in your party . it is pity to me because of my emercy thing need to be dealt with . i hope you will have one good time for the party . i really love you ! please give my regards to our friends !if possible ,please do not forget to inform me if you have the party ne_t time . i shall come to it on time. if i could do something for your party ,please feel free to contact me . that would be my pleasure. above all , i apologize again for my absence from the party ! good luck to you all !

yours truly,



有关英文道歉信 篇10


dear ms winston,

the purpose of this is to convey to you my sincere apologies for any inconvenience you may have e_perience last month with respect to the installation of your internet high speed service.

i just returned from vacation this week and found your file in my in-basket. as soon as i reviewed your case it was clear that somehow your jau. 20th request for a change in service had somehow slipped through the cracks. the only possible e_planation i can give is that we have recently had a number of key staff changes, which might have resulted in your letter being overlooked.

consequently, i have directed our installation group to contact you by the end of this week to set up a time convenient to you when they could go to your house and install your new router and make the necessary adjustments to your software.

because of this serious oversight, and as a testament to our appreciation of you as out customer , we are going to provide you with your first three months of high speed service for free charge. there fore, your account will not be billed until june of this year.

ms. winston, let me assure you that what happened in your case is not typical of cablenet’s level of customer service. we continue to be committed to providing you and all of our customers with the highest standards of service in the industry.

if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call me at_______.

yours in service



有关英文道歉信 篇11



dear stacy

i'm so sorry that we had a cold air the other day.i regard you as my best friend.i know i shouldn't do things like that. you haven't talk to me for a few days. i'm sad about this. when we are talking , i always feel very happy because i have such a friend that can understand what i'm thinking about. i didn't mean to hurt you.please trust and forgive me.write to me soon.


有关英文道歉信 篇12


客户的道歉信英文篇dear mr. shu

i would like to thank you for choosing the china world hotel for your recently stay.

on behalf of management and staff, please accept my sincere apologies for the failed to e_tend your golden circle benefits of the king size bed, golden circle appropriate floor and newspaper. during your stay with us on 01- 08th nov.

as our valued guest, your comments and feedback are of utmost importance to us. mr. shu, should you choose to return to our hotel, please let me know and i will ensure that your stay will restore you confidence in the quality service upon which the golden circle stands.

my apologize once again and thank you for taking time to bring this matter to our attention.

we are looking forward to welcome you back to hotel again if you would like to give us chance to correct our mistake.

should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact me.

kind and best regards.

alfred zhuang


有关英文道歉信 篇13





3、因未能及时还书致歉unable to return borrowed book on time

dear kate:

e_cuse me for my long delaying in returning to you your robinson crusoe which i read through with great interest. i had finished reading the book and was about to return it when my cousin came to see me. never having seen the book, she was so interested in it that i had to retain it longer. however, i hope that in view of the additional delight thus afforded by your book, you will overlook my negligence in not returning it sooner.

thanking you again for the loan.

sincerely yours,



有关英文道歉信 篇14


英语道歉信范文及常用句式 道歉信是指因过失或疏忽做错了事,给别人带来了麻烦或损失,发觉后要立即写信给对





表示歉意→说明具体原因、提出补救办法→再次致歉,希望得到理解。注意: 理由要尽量合理,违反生活常识将导致扣分;尽量提供一个合适的补救办法,使行文更



directions: you were unable to attend mr. smiths e_amination on international

business english writing because you got sick that morning. write a letter to e_press

the reasons for not being able to attend it and apologize. write the letter with no less than 100 words. do not sign your own name at end

of the letter. use wang hua instead. do not write the address.dear mr. smith,

i am indeed very sorry that i missed the e_amination on international business

english writing you gave last friday. i feel awful about it and want you to know what

happened that day.i suddenly fell sick early that morning and my parents had to

send me to the hospital. please find enclosed a copy of the medical bill. sincerely yours,

wang hua


1、i am writing to apologize for /i am writing to say sorry for 我写这封信是因向你致歉。

2、i would like to give you my apology for 对于我向你道歉。

3、please accept my sincere apology for 关于请接受我真诚的道歉。 (转载于:英文道歉信句子模板)

4、i am indeed very sorry for what i said/did, but believe i had nointention to


5、please forgive me for a stupid choice of words. 请原谅我说话欠妥。

6、i feel awfully sorry about it and want you to know what happened. 为此我感到非常内疚,所以想告诉你实情。

7、please accept my apologies for my oversight. 请原谅我的疏忽。 8、please allow

me to say sorry again. 请允许我再次表示歉意。

9、i sincerely hope you can understand my situation/think in my position and accept

my apologies.


10、once again, im sorry for any inconvenience caused/you have sustained.


有关英文道歉信 篇15



dear susan,

i’m very sorry that i was out when you came to see me yesterday evening. i’m afraid i’d gone to the pub with some friends and didn’t get back until 12 o’clock. i wish i had known you were in luoyang as you could have come with us. it would have been a good introduction to the night life!anyway, i will call on you at 10 o’clock on saturday morning at your hotel. we can have the day together, if you have nothing else planned? i’ll show you some of the places of interest that you may not have seen.

please let me know if you will be available on saturday morning.

best wishes

chen cheng

有关英文道歉信 篇16



1、因未能践约赴宴致歉unable to keep one's promise

dear miss nancy,

much to my regret i was unable to keep my promise to attend your birthday party last saturday, owing to the fact that my little son was suddenly taken ill early that day.

hoping to see you soon.

truly yours,




2、因迟复来信致歉because of answering one's letter late dear david:

i am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not having answered your letter dated 7, december sooner, but when i have told you the reason, i trust you will be convinced that the neglect was e_cusable. when your letter arrived, i was just in hong kong. as my family could not forward it to me during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment when i took it up. now

the first thing i have to hasten to do is to write to you these few lines to e_press my deep regret.

i enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip. i shall be pleased to give you an account to of them when i see you ne_t.

sincerely yours,



请原谅我收到您12月7日的来信后迟迟未复,现将原因告诉您,相信您一定会谅解的。您的来信到来时,我正巧在香港,家人无法及时转递。你的信一直放在我写字台上,直到我回到才看见,拖至今天才回信,深表歉意。 这次出去旅行饱览了许多美丽景色,下次见到您时,将告诉您一切。

3、因未能及时还书致歉unable to return borrowed book on time dear kate:

e_cuse me for my long delaying in returning to you your

“robinson crusoe” which i read through with great interest. i had finished reading the book and was about to return it when my cousin came to see me. never having seen the book, she was so interested in it that i had to retain it longer. however, i hope that in view of the additional delight thus afforded by your book, you will overlook my negligence in not returning it sooner.

thanking you again for the loan.

sincerely yours,





4、因遗失借书致歉because of losing a borrowed book

dear frank:

i am terribly sorry to tell you that i have lost the valuable book you were so kind to lend me last week. i read it everyday and intended to finish it ne_t month. last night when i came to my room, it was nowhere to be found. i will try to recover it as soon as possible. if i fail to find it, i will get a new book for you.

but i am afraid it can never take the place of the old one. old books are like old friends. once lost, they can never be replaced. they are connected with cherished associations which the new ones can never have. and for this irrecoverable loss, i am to blame. i was so careless with my things. this is a warning to me to be more careful in the future.

yours truly,





有关英文道歉信 篇17


做错事的英文道歉信范文dear charlie,

kindly e_cuse me for my not being able to see you off at the airport this saturday as i have promised.

a major business partner of our company will be attending an important conference in _iamen this weekend, and my boss finally chooses me to accompany him there to negotiate about a new transaction. i have just been informed of this plan and am happy about the decisionthis is an opportunity to both display and enhance my abilities, so i am afraid i cannot be present at the airport.

pursuing study overseas is an essential step in the accomplishment of your dream.

how i wish i could have the chance to share with you my personal feelings and suggestions before you are away! i hereby send you a gift to wish you good luck. please forgive me.


li ming

有关英文道歉信 篇18


dear mr. smith,

i am indeed very sorry that i missed the e_amination on international business english writing you gave last friday. i feel awful about it and want you to know what happened that day. i suddenly fell sick early that morning and my parents had to send me to the hospital. please find enclosed a copy of the medical bill.

i sincerely hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology. i would appreciate your allowing me to take a make-up e_amination. i will come to your office during your office hour on monday to discuss this possibility with you. once again, i apologize for any inconvenience caused.

sincerely yours,

wang hua

有关英文道歉信 篇19


dear ___:

we felt very sorry to say that we could not provide the timely and circumspect service for you as household electric appliance maintain company .we sincerely hope you can understand us , because some of our maintaiers went to train , and some of them walked to the other place for services . now , we really have no maintainer to be sent to your home .for this , we said we were sorry again .and kindly please you may rest assure that we will send our maintainers to go to your home for maintain services ne_t monday . best regards! wang hao manager

有关英文道歉信 篇20



monday, march 15

dear professor martin,

i enjoy your class very much. but i'm very sorry that i had to miss your class last thursday. unfortunately my roommate became ill and i had to take him to the hospital. please let me know what i can do to make up the class. i know you prefer for us to let you know in advance when we will be absent, but there was no time to do so.

i hope you'll accept my sincere apology.

your student,

lin shantao


因过失或疏忽做错了事,给别人带来了麻烦或损失,发觉后要立即写信给对方赔礼道歉,这是一种礼貌。道歉信要写得坦率,诚恳。1、因未能践约赴宴致歉unable to kee one's romisedear miss nancy,much to my r


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