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发布时间:2024-05-20 17:45:01 查看人数:24


大学英文演讲稿 模板1



ladies and gentlemen,

it is a great honour for me to speak at one of china’s great academic institutions one that is helping to revive and maintain your country’s historic tradition of leading the world in science and technology, and one whose alumni are to be found in positions of leadership throughout the country.

here, as in so many other places in china, no visitor can help feeling the e_citement of a great country developing at breakneck speed, and every day opening up new vistas of knowledge and opportunity to its citizens. you can be really proud of your country and what it has achieved in the last 25 years.

as i look out over the young faces in this audience i cannot help envying the international students more than a thousand, i am told, from over 50 countries who have the privilege of sharing your learning e_perience here.

it reminds me for a moment of my own student days, when my country, ghana, was newly independent. we felt we were suddenly reaching out to the world, and making new discoveries every day.

but then i also remember that times of rapid change can bring pain and confusion, even destruction, as well as progress and e_citement.

the more rapid and e_citing it is, the more change calls for careful management, and wise, humane leadership.

order and stability have to be preserved, but without choking off the freedom to enquire, and e_periment, and e_press oneself, since as you young researchers know better than anyone knowledge and science have a vital role in national development.

and technical e_pertise needs to be harnessed to the development and security of society as a whole, so that it not only creates greater wealth for the few, but enables all citizens to feel safer and more prosperous.

the development of such a great country as china cannot happen in isolation. it affects the whole world, and it draws you into new relationships with other parts of the world. increasingly, your economy depends on e_changes with other countries both imports and e_ports, of both goods and capital. foreign investment plays an essential role in your growth, while your holdings of foreign currencies and your management of your own currency are coming to play a vital part in the international monetary system.

this means that you have a stake in the development and prosperity of the wider world. and your security, too, depends on international peace and stability.

your government shows that it understands this, by the role that it plays in the united nations, and elsewhere. and increasingly, chinese citizens are called on to take risks, and make sacrifices, in the interests of global security. it was impressive to see, in our newspapers the other day, pictures of chinese policemen in blue helmets preparing to join the united nations mission in haiti an island buffeted by both human and meteorological storms, which is literally on the far side of the world from here.

so i am here, in part, to e_press the world’s gratitude. clearly you in china have understood, as your saying goes, that we all share the same breath. human misery knows no frontiers, and nor should human solidarity.

indeed, solidarity was one of the fundamental values solemnly reaffirmed, four years ago, by the political leaders from all over the world who met at united nations headquarters, and issued the millennium declaration.

they declared that global challenges must be managed in a way that distributes the costs and burdens fairly…those who sufferorwho benefit least deserve help from those who benefit most.

they promised to spare no effort to free more than one billion of their fellow men, women and children from e_treme poverty, and to make the right to development a reality for all.

and they set themselves precise benchmarks by which their success in keeping these promises could be measured, in the year 2015.those benchmarks have come to be known as the millennium development goals,ormdgs. first among them is the pledge to reduce by half the proportion of people in the world living on an income of less than one dollar a day. others include the pledge to halt, and begin to reverse, the spread of hiv/aids; and the pledge to integrate the principles of sustainable development into every country’s policies and programmes, so that our children and grandchildren will not face the threat of living on a planet irredeemably spoilt by human activities,orwhose resources are not sufficient for their needs.

will the world reach these goals by 2015? it depends, in great part, on china.

your population is so large, and your economy is growing so rapidly, that your impact on all global statistics is enormous. it is theoretically possible that we might succeed in halving the proportion of very poor people in the world by 2015, simply because china had succeeded in lifting almost all its people out of that category, even if most countries in africa still had the same proportion.

conversely, many countries might, by 2015, have made great strides in combating hiv/aids,oradopting sustainable models of development. but if china had failed to do those things, there would still be terrible consequences for humanity.

however, that need not be the path taken, either in this countryorin the rest of the world. both for your national interests and in the interest of the world as a whole, you have a great responsibility to look after your people, and your natural environment.

but your responsibility does not end there.

the eighth and last millennium development goal is a global partnership for development. this means that developing countries must not be left to develop on their own. they need the help of the richer and more powerful countries through the removal of unfair trade barriers and subsidised competition; through the elimination of the debts which oblige so many poor countries to spend more on repaying and servicing their creditors than they can on the social needs of their own people; and through more generous official development aid which the rich countries have repeatedly promised to provide.in practical terms, global partnership means that every country where there is e_treme poverty is entitled to e_pect help in forging and pursuing a national strategy to achieve the mdgs by 2015. for the poorest countries, most of which are in africa, this will be of decisive importance. without it, they will not reach the goals. with it, they are in with a real chance.

that places a big responsibility on the rich countries and it is one that china shares. i know you are used to thinking of your country as a developing one, and so it is probably the fastest developing country the world has ever seen. but the more successfully it develops, the more it too will be e_pected to show solidarity with smaller and poorer countries that still need a helping hand.

by the same token, as china’s geopolitical weight grows, so does its share of responsibility for world security.

as well as global solidarity, the millennium declaration e_pressed a shared vision of collective security, rooted in the united nations charter.

yet the events of the past two years have called that consensus in question.

some have doubted whether article 51 of the charter, which reaffirms the inherent right of self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a member of the united nations, until the security council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security, is still sufficient in an age when an armed attack may come without warning, from a clandestine terrorist group, perhaps armed with weapons of mass destruction.

they have argued that force must sometimes be used preventively, and that they must be free to decide when their national security requires it.

others have replied that that doctrine is in itself a grave threat to international peace and security since it might imply that any state has the right to use force whenever it sees fit, without regard to other states’ concerns. and that is precisely the state of affairs which the united nations was created to save humanity from.

indeed, the first purpose of the united nations, laid down in article 1 of the charter, is to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace.

we must show that the united nations is capable of fulfilling that purpose, so that states do not feel obligedorentitled to take the law into their own hand。that is why, last year, i asked a small panel of distinguished men and women to make recommendations on ways of dealing with threats and challenges to peace and security in the twenty-first century. i am delighted that a very wise chinese statesman, mr. qian qichen, agreed to join that panel, whose report should be ready in a few weeks’ time.

i hope that its recommendations will help us to rebuild and improve our global security system, so that in future no state feels it has to face global threats on its own, and all can feel confident that others will respect the rules.

in short, my friends, there is much to be done to make the world safe in this new century, and to give all its inhabitants a real chance of living prosperous and fulfilling lives. many bold decisions need to be taken, and taken soon.

i hope that some of the most important may be taken in september ne_t year, when world leaders will again assemble at the united nations to review the progress made,ornot made, since the millennium declaration. this will be the world’s best chance for a breakthrough to address the joint global challenges of development and security. yet the task will be much tougher than five years ag instead of setting goals, this time leaders must agree on concrete decisions to achieve them.

for 191 nations to agree on a common path forward, many debates will be needed over the coming year, both within countries and among them. governments will have to work together and reach compromises, sometimes involving the sacrifice of cherished national goalsorinterests. and they can do so only if their peoples understand what is at stake, and firmly support it.

china, with its remarkable e_perience in development and e_pertise in security, can make a leading contribution to this vital global breakthrough.

that is why i am so glad to be in beijing today, and to have the chance to speak not only to your government but also to you here, in one of china’s great centres of innovation and creative thought. you young educated people have so much to contribute to development, and to meeting the global challenges that i have spoken about safeguarding world peace and security, developing friendly relations among peoples of different faithorculture, and achieving the millennium development goals.

you already have a well-developed network of solidarity between richer and poorer regions within china, and i know many of you will be serving in poor areas, after you graduate. i hope some of you will think also about serving in other parts of the world, where your skills may be even more desperately needed.

i urge you all and your contemporaries throughout china to commit yourselves to finding answers to our century’s great challenges of poverty, disease, and environmental degradation. i say to you, as i have said to students in the united states, and many other countries, go out and make the world better!

but i have spoken long enough. now it’s your turn. if you have questions, i will try to answer them. but i hope you may also have comments, so that i can learn from you.

thank you very much.

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class of __! first i’d like you to stand up, and wave and cheer your supportive family and friends! i’m sure you can find them out there. show your love!

a long time ago, in this cold september of 1962, there was a steven’s co-op at this very university. that co-op had a kitchen with a ceiling that had been cleaned by student volunteers probably every decade or so. picture a college girl named gloria, climbing up high on a ladder, struggling to clean that filthy ceiling. standing on the floor, a young boarder named carl was admiring the view. and that’s how they met. they were my parents, so i suppose you could say i’m a direct result of that kitchen chemistry e_periment, right here at michigan.

everyone in my family went here to michigan: my brother, my mom, my dad—all of us. my father’s father worked in the chevy plant in flint, michigan. he was an assembly line worker. he drove his two children here to ann arbor, and told them: that is where you’re going to college. i know it sounds funny now. both of his kids actually did graduate from michigan. that was the american dream.

what i’m trying to tell you, this is way more than a homecoming for me. i have a story about following dreams. or maybe more accurately, it’s a story about finding a path to make those dreams real.

you know what it’s like to wake up in the middle of the night with a vivid dream? and you know how, if you don’t have a pencil and 4)pad by the bed, it will be completely gone by the ne_t morning?

well, i had one of those dreams when i was 23. when i suddenly woke up, i was thinking: what if we could download the whole web, and just keep the links? and i grabbed a pen and started writing! sometimes it’s important to wake up and stop dreaming. i spent the middle of that night scribbling out the details and convincing myself it would work. soon after, i told my advisor, terry winograd, it would take a couple of weeks for me to download the web—he nodded knowingly, fully aware it would take much longer but wise enough not to tell me. the optimism of youth is often underrated! amazingly, at that time, i have no thoughts building a search engine. the idea wasn’t even on the radar. but, much later we happened upon a better way of ranking and we made a really great search engine, and google was born. when a really great dream shows up, grab it!











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hello! ladies and gentlemen, it is so nice to meet you!

i am glad that you can spend this precious time having this class in this afternoon.

now please allow me to introduce myself to you .my name is wangjia and i majored in traffic engineering .baoji is my hometown it is very beautiful. and the people are very friendly.

as we all known thinking is easy acting is difficult and to put one"s thoughts into actions is the most difficult thing in the world.

so if we want to learn english well ,we must practice reading english everyday ,actually practicing repeatedly is the best way to succeed.when you speak ,don"t care how poorly or how well you speak just care about catching the chance to speak ,enjoy losing face or just forget your face because the more you speak the better your english will become,never afraid of making mistakes because the more mistakes you make the more progress you will make.as a man living in the world ,we must try our best to make each day our masterpiece and don"t let our parents down ,don"t ever let our country down ,most importantly don"t let ourselves down.

yesterday is a memory tomorrow is a dream so live for today just do it right now.i believe if you can dream it you can make it ,if you do you will win if you don"t you won"t.believe in yourself trust yourself try your best. don"t give up ,never give in, never lose hope , never say impossible .the success is coming !

thank you !


saying goodbye to childhood,we step into another important time in the pace of young,facing new situations,dealing with different problems……

everyone has his own understanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have e_perienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.

the time of young is limited,it may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite .

having a view on these great men in the history of human being,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a consequence ,they are remembered by later generations,admired by everyone.so do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these great man did ,though not for the whole word,just for yourself,for those around!

the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,most people think they are ugly.

and so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.

so we must treasure it ,don"t let the limited time pass by ,leaving nothing of significance.


dream flying our ordinary life is a dream, from the very moment of landing, we are a dream to come! 同样我们在离开这个世界的时候,也同样带着自己的梦而去。 similarly, we left this world at the time, it will also be left with their own dreams.

在梦的呼唤中,我们渐渐长大,思想渐渐成熟,学到的知识越来越多,明白的道理越来越多。 call in the dream, we gradually grew up thinking of gradually mature, and have learned more and more, understand more and more. 我们的梦也越来越有内涵,越来越丰富。 our dream is also more and more content, more and more rich.

忘不了那一次次翻书山渡题海的白天夜晚;忘不了那一个个欢乐辛酸共存的岁月;更忘不了那一位位耳提面命谆谆教导的可敬恩师…… one can not forget that book title mountain crossing the sea during the day and night; not forget that the coe_istence of a bitter years of joy; not forget that a bit more earnest remainding respectable mentor taught ... ...

面对过去的岁月,我们敞开自己心灵的心扉之门,接受阳光的沐浴,倾听时间的叮咛,放飞我们的梦想。 the face of the past, we open their minds and hearts of the door, bathed in sunlight to accept and listen to e_hort the time, we dream of flying.

梦想是实现远大抱负的基石;梦想是积蓄力量的开端;梦想是理性认识世界的必要条件;梦想是齐家治国平天下的前提。 is to achieve the dream of the cornerstones of long-term vision; the dream is the beginning of the power savings; dream world is a necessary condition for rational; dream qijia country is the premise of the world is flat. 为此,尊德,育能,明责,博爱。 to this end, the respect of ethics, education can be clearly responsible for, love. 我们将时刻准备着…… we will be ready at all times ... ...

雄鸡高唱划破了寂静的黎明,惊醒了梦中的少年,点亮了那盏古老不朽的油灯,借着微弱的灯光打理好沉重的行囊,开始踏上新的征程。 singing rooster dawn broke through the silence, awakened the dream of youth, the old lamp that lit the lamp immortal, with the aid of a weak good care of the light heavy luggage, embark on a new journey began. 东方的旭日冉冉升起,留给故土的是一串依恋的脚印和不舍的情怀。 eastern rising sun, leaving a string attached to their native land is the footprints of the feelings and give up. 再见了亲爱的土地,我们有我们的梦想,我们要去面对新的一切。 goodbye dear land, we have our dreams, we all need to face new.

命运之舵已掌握在自己手中,自己的路由自己走。 the rudder has been the fate into their own hands, taking their own route. 相信自己,努力奋斗吧,乌云过后必定是晴空。 believe in yourself and you work hard, must be clear after dark. 做时间的主人,争取每一分每一秒,当拼搏之船启航时,你是否准备好了? to do the masters of time, for every seconds, when the ship set sail hard, you are ready? 展示你的风采,创造辉煌的明天。 show your style and create brilliant tomorrow. 托尔夫斯基说过,天空没有留下鸟的痕迹,但我已飞过。托尔夫斯基said that the sky did not leave traces of the birds, but i have been over. 是一只雄鹰,就要翱翔天空,是一棵大树,就要撒下一片光阴,勇敢地去飞,勇敢地去闯,放飞你的梦想,相信你的明天会更灿烂,明天会因你更精彩。 is an eagle, it is necessary to fly across the sky, is a tree, it is necessary to cast a time, the courage to go flying, the courage to go into, you dream of flying, i believe you will be more brilliant tomorrow, tomorrow you will be more e_citing.

珍惜现在,把握现在。 cherish the present, should grasp the opportunity.

朋友,放飞梦想吧,让我们相聚于辉煌的那一天。 friends, the dream of flying now, let us gather in the glory of that day.

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rich parent, poor parent

david brooks writes today that there are large class differences in parenting styles. these different parent styles may e_plain the continued success of the upper class. hey, this fits in very well into the parenting theme week at 11d. thanks, davey. (and thanks, jeremy, for the early morning e-mail.)

david picks up on the work of annette lareau who finds that although working class children are more innocent and enjoy more freedom, they haven"t been prepared for economic success as well as upper class kids. (i have copied the whole article below the flap. take that, times select)

the funny thing about academics is that although they are highly educated, they are poorly paid. they are socio-economic anomalies. they either reside as the poor shlubs in wealthy neighborhoods or as the weirdoes in working class towns. we’ve been the class outsiders for my whole life, and i’ve had the chance to observe both life styles closely.

there are huge differences between the parenting styles between the upper and working class families. poor families respond less quickly to learning problems and are less aggressive with the school bureaucracy. they are less likely to verbally interact with their kids. they are less involved in homework activities. middle and upper class parents are more likely to reward independent thinking. all those factors will definitely impact on their kids’ futures.大学毕业英文演讲稿

but i hope that brooks and his pet academic aren’t insinuating that parenting styles alone impact on a child’s economic success. way too many other factors there. poor families are also likely to live in towns with poorer schools. peers will be more troubled. the poor families will be coping with a variety of problems that make it hard to be good parents – financial stress, drug and alcohol problems, lack of health care, depression. and really smart kids can in many instances over come all that and succeed, though even the smart ones still face obstacles. i would love to know if the researchers controlled for all that.

these parenting differences also don’t negate our obligation to helping these groups reach their potential.

that said, i’m sure that parenting styles are one factor among many that determine a child’s socio-economic future. my kid is already on such a different path from some of his buddies from school. at si_ years old, their futures are already written on their faces.

what i would like to do is to take the best parts of both parenting practices. somehow combine the respect for adults, the freedom, and the innocence of working class homes with the value for education, the aggressive independence, and confidence of the upper class. it’s a tricky line to navigate, but that’s what i’m going for.

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thank you for letting me share this wonderful day with you.


i am not sure i can live up to the high standards of harvard commencement speakers. lastyear, j.k. rowling, the billionaire novelist, who started as a classics student, graced thispodium. the year before, bill gates, the mega-billionaire philanthropist and computer nerdstood here. today, sadly, you have me. i am not wealthy, but at least i am a nerd.

我不太肯定,自己够得上哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲人这样的殊荣。去年登上这个讲台的是,英国亿万身家的小说家j.k. rowling女士,她最早是一个古典文学的学生。前年站在这里的是比尔?盖茨先生,他是一个超级富翁、一个慈善家和电脑高手。今年很遗憾,你们的演讲人是我,虽然我不是很有钱,但是至少我也算一个高手。

i am grateful to receive an honorary degree from harvard, an honor that means more to methan you might care to imagine. you see, i was the academic black sheep of my family. myolder brother has an m.d./ph.d. from mit and harvard while my younger brother has a lawdegree from harvard. when i was awarded a nobel prize, i thought my mother would besatisfied. not so. when i called her on the morning of the announcement, she replied, "that"snice, but when are you going to visit me ne_t." now, as the last brother with a degree fromharvard, maybe, at last, she will be satisfied.


another difficulty with giving a harvard commencement address is that some of you maydisapprove of the fact that i have borrowed material from previous speeches. i ask that youforgive me for two reasons.


first, in order to have impact, it is important to deliver the same message more than once. inscience, it is important to be the first person to make a discovery, but it is even more importantto be the last person to make that discovery.


second, authors who borrow from others are following in the footsteps of the best. ralph waldoemerson, who graduated from harvard at the age of 18, noted "all my best thoughts werestolen by the ancients." picasso declared "good artists borrow. great artists steal." why shouldcommencement speakers be held to a higher standard?


i also want to point out the irony of speaking to graduates of an institution that would haverejected me, had i the chutzpah to apply. i am married to "dean jean," the former dean ofadmissions at stanford. she assures me that she would have rejected me, if given the chance.when i showed her a draft of this speech, she objected strongly to my use of the word"rejected." she never rejected applicants; her letters stated that "we are unable to offer youadmission." i have difficulty understanding the difference. after all, deans of admissions ofhighly selective schools are in reality, "deans of rejection." clearly, i have a lot to learn aboutmarketing.


my address will follow the classical sonata form of commencement addresses. the firstmovement, just presented, were light-hearted remarks. this ne_t movement consists ofunsolicited advice, which is rarely valued, seldom remembered, never followed. as oscar wildesaid, "the only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. it is never of any use to oneself."so, here comes the advice. first, every time you celebrate an achievement, be thankful tothose who made it possible. thank your parents and friends who supported you, thank yourprofessors who were inspirational, and especially thank the other professors whose less-than-brilliant lectures forced you to teach yourself. going forward, the ability to teach yourself is thehallmark of a great liberal arts education and will be the key to your success. to your fellowstudents who have added immeasurably to your education during those late night discussions,hug them. also, of course, thank harvard. should you forget, there"s an alumni association toremind you. second, in your future life, cultivate a generous spirit. in all negotiations, don"tbargain for the last, little advantage. leave the change on the table. in your collaborations,always remember that "credit" is not a conserved quantity. in a successful collaboration,everybody gets 90 percent of the credit.


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i have been in university for about one year. during my stay here, i came to realize that university life is like drinking coke. we e_perience all tastes of life here, sour, sweet, bitter and hot. i am from province, which is far away from here. i often miss my mum, friends, and relatives in my hometown. however, i can"t see them very often. so loneliness always keeps me company. i am sad that i can"t be there with them. lucky for me, life in university is rich and colorful.

with more free time,we can do many more things besides study, such as joining societies clubs, and taking part-time jobs. such activities not only make our life more colorful, but also help us improve all kinds of skills. the university is a society miniature, what we learn here will benefit our future life. our path in life will not always be smooth. setbacks can"t be avoided. failing an important e_am, break up with boy or girl friend, or refused by a promising company, such setbacks are likely to get us down.

sometimes we fell so frustrated that we even burst into tears. drinkin coke is wonderful, despite the undesirble consequent hiccups. it"s bitter, sour and peppery, but also sweet. and you"ll even feel e_cited after gulping down a glass. a college e_perience is part of growing up. we cry, smile, fall in love, get hurt, leave, learn and then we become a better person. university life is like drinking coke. i"m e_periencing it. and i know, i enjoy it!

that"s all.

thank you!

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stanford university.


bill gates: congratulations, class of 2024!



melinda and i are e_cited to be here. it would be a thrill for anyone to be invited to speak at a stanford commencement, but it"s especially gratifying for us. stanford is rapidly becoming the favorite university for members of our family, and it"s long been a favorite university for microsoft and our foundation.


our formula has been to get the smartest, most creative people working on the most important problems. it turns out that a disproportionate number of those people are at stanford. (cheers).


right now, we have more than 30 foundation research projects underway here. when we want to learn more about the immune system to help cure the worst diseases, we work with stanford. when we want to understand the changing landscape of higher education in the united states, so that more low-income students get college degrees, we work with stanford. this is where genius lives.


there"s a fle_ibility of mind here, an openness to change, an eagerness for what"s new. this is where people come to discover the future, and have fun doing it.


melinda gates: now, some people call you all nerds and we hear that you claim that label with pride. (cheers and applause).


bill gates: well, so do we. (cheers and applause).


bill gates: my normal glasses really aren"t all that different. (laughter).


there are so many remarkable things going on here at this campus, but if melinda and i had to put into one word what we love most about stanford, it"s the optimism.

there"s an infectious feeling here that innovation can solve almost every problem.that"s the belief that drove me in 1975 to leave a college in the suburbs of boston and go on an endless leave of absence.(laughter).


i believed that the magic of computers and software would empower people everywhere and make the world much, much better.


it"s been 40 years since then, and 20 years since melinda and i were married.we are both more optimistic now than ever. but on our journey, our optimism evolved.


we would like to tell you what we learned and talk to you today about how your optimism and ours can do more for more people.when paul allen and i started microsoft, we wanted to bring the power of computers and software to the people, and that was the kind of rhetoric we used.one of the pioneering books in the field had a raised fist on the cover, and it was called "computer lib."


at that time, only big businesses could buy computers.we wanted to offer the same power to regular people and democratize computing.


by the 1990s, we saw how profoundly personal computers could empower people, but that success created a new dilemma.if rich kids got computers and poor kids didn"t, then technology would make inequality worse.that ran counter to our core belief.


technology should benefit everyone.


so we worked to close the digital divide. i made it a priority at microsoft, and melinda and i made it an early priority at our foundation. donating personal computers to public libraries to make sure that everyone had access.


the digital divide was a focus of mine in 1997, when i took my first trip to south africa. i went there on business so i spent most of my time in meetings in downtown johannesburg. i stayed in the home of one of the richest families in south africa.


it had only been three years since the election of nelson mandela marked the end of apartheid. when i sat down for dinner with my hosts, they used a bell to call the butler. after dinner, the women and men separated and the men smoked cigars. i thought, good thing i read jane austen, or i wouldn"t have known what was going on. (laughter).


but the ne_t day i went to soweto, the poor township southwest of johannesburg, that had been the center of the anti-apartheid movement. it was a short distance from the city into the township, but the entry was sudden, jarring and harsh.


i passed into a world completely unlike the one i came from. my visit to soweto became an early lesson in how naive i was. microsoft was donating computers and software to a community center there. the kind of thing we did in the united states.


but it became clear to me, very quickly, that this was not the united states.


i had seen statistics on poverty, but i had never really seen poverty.the people there lived in corrugated tin shacks with no electricity, no water, no toilets. most people didn"t wear shoes. they walked barefoot along the streets, e_cept there were no streets, just ruts in the mud.


the community center had no consistent source of power. so they rigged up an e_tension cord that ran 200 feet from the center to the diesel generator outside. looking at this setup, i knew the minute the reporters left, the generator would get moved to a more urgent task. and the people who used the community center would go back to worrying about challenges that couldn"t be solved by a personal computer.


when i gave my prepared remarks to the press, i said soweto is a milestone. there are major decisions ahead about whether technology will leave the developing world behind. this is to close the gap.


but as i read those words, i knew they weren"t super relevant. what i didn"t say was, by the way, we"re not focused on the fact that half a million people on this continent are dying every year from malaria. but we are sure as hell going to bring you computers.


before i went to soweto, i thought i understood the world"s problems but i was blind to many of the most important ones. i was so taken aback by what i saw that i had to ask myself, did i still believe that innovation could solve the world"s toughest problems? i promised myself that before i came back to africa, i would find out more about what keeps people poor.


over the years, melinda and i did learn more about the pressing needs of the poor.


on a later trip to south africa, i paid a visit to a hospital for patients with mdr-tb, multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, a disease with a cure rate of under 50%. i remember that hospital as a place of despair.


it was a giant open ward, with a sea of patients shuffling around in pajamas, wearing masks. there was one floor just for children, including some babies lying in bed. they had a little school for kids who were well enough to learn, but many of the children couldn"t make it, and the hospital didn"t seem to know whether it was worth it to keep the school open.


i talked to a patient there in her early 30s. she had been a worker at a tb hospital when she came down with a cough. she went to a doctor and he told her said she had drug-resistant tb. she was later diagnosed with aids. she wasn"t going to live much longer, but there were plenty of mdr patients waiting to take her bed when she vacated it. this was hell with a waiting list.


but seeing this hell didn"t reduce my optimism. it channeled it. i got into the car as i left and i told the doctor we were working with i know mdr-tb is hard to cure, but we must do something for these people. and, in fact, this year, we are entering phase three with the new tb drug regime for patients who respond, instead of a 50% cure rate after 18 months for $2,000, we get an 80% cure rate after si_ months for under $100. (applause).


optimism is often dismissed as false hope. but there is also false hopelessness. that"s the attitude that says we can"t defeat poverty and disease. we absolutely can.


melinda gates: bill called me that day after he visited the tb hospital and normally if one of us is on an international trip, we will go through our agenda for the day and who we met and where we have been. but this call was different.


bill said to me, melinda, i have been somewhere that i have never been before. and then he choked up and he couldn"t go on. and he finally just said, i will tell you more when i get home. and i knew what he was going through because when you see people with so little hope, it breaks your heart.


but if you want to do the most, you have to go see the worst, and i"ve had days like that too. about ten years ago, i traveled with a group of friends to india. and on last day i was there, i had a meeting with a group of prostitutes and i e_pected to talk to them about the risk of aids that they were facing, but what they wanted to talk to me about was stigma.


many of these women had been abandoned by their husbands. that"s why they even went into prostitution. they wanted to be able to feed their children. they were so low in the eyes of society that they could be raped and robbed and beaten by anyone, even the police, and nobody cared.


talking to them about their lives was so moving to me, but what i remember most was how much they wanted to be touched. they wanted to touch me and to be touched by them. it was if physical contact somehow proved their worth. and so before i left, we linked arms hand in hand and did a photo together.


later that same day, i spent some time in india in a home for the dying. i walked into a large hall and i saw rows and rows of cot and every cot was attended to e_cept for one, that was far off in the corner. and so i decided to go over there.


the patient who was in this room was a woman in her 30s. and i remember her eyes. she had these huge, brown, sorrowful eyes. she was emaciated and on the verge of death. her intestines were not holding anything and so the workers had they put a pan under her bed, and cut a hole in the bottom of the bed and everything in her was just pouring out into that pan. and i could tell that she had aids. both in the way she looked and the fact that she was off in this corner alone.


the stigma of aids is vicious, especially for women. and the punishment is abandonment. when i arrived at her cot, i suddenly felt completely and totally helpless. i had absolutely nothing i could offer this woman. i knew i couldn"t save her. but i didn"t want her to be alone. so i knelt down with her and i put my hand out and she reached for my hand and grabbed it and she wouldn"t let it go. i didn"t speak her language and i couldn"t think of what i should say to her. and finally i just said to her, it"s going to be okay. it"s going to be okay. it"s not your fault.


and after i had been with her for sometime, she started pointing to the roof top. she clearly wanted to go up and i realized the sun was going down and what she wanted to do was go up on the roof top and see the sunset. so the workers in this home for the dying were very busy and i said to them, you know, can we take her up on the roof top? no. no. we have to pass out medicines. so i waited that for that to happen and i asked another worker and they said, no no no, we are too busy. we can"t get her up there. and so finally i just scooped this woman up in my arms.


she was nothing more than skin over bones and i took her up on the roof top, and i found one of those plastic chairs that blows over in a light breeze. i put her there, sat her down, put a blanket over her legs and she sat there facing to the west, watching the sunset. the workers knew -- i made sure they knew that she was up there so that they would bring her down later that evening after the sun went down and then i had to leave.


but she never left me. i felt completely and totally inadequate in the face of this woman"s death. but sometimes, it"s the people that you can"t help that inspire you the most.


i knew that those se_ workers i had met in the morning could be the woman that i carried upstairs later that evening. unless we found a way to defy the stigma that hung over their lives.


over the past ten years, our foundation has helped se_ workers build support groups so they could empower one another to speak up and demand safe se_ and that their clients use condoms. their brave efforts have helped to keep hiv prevalence low among se_ workers and a lot of studies show that"s the big reason why the aids epidemic has not e_ploded in india.


when these se_ workers gathered together to help stop aids transmission, something une_pected and wonderful happened. the community they formed became a platform for everything. police and others who raped and robbed them couldn"t get away with it anymore. the women set up systems to encourage savings for one another and with those savings, they were able to leave se_ work. this was all done by people that society considered the lowest of the low.


optimism, for me, is not a passive e_pectation that things are going to get better. for me, it"s a conviction and a belief that we can make things better. so no matter how much suffering we see, no matter how bad it is, we can help people if we don"t lose hope help and if we don"t look away. (applause).


bill gates: melinda and i have described some devastating scenes, but we want to make the strongest case we can for the power of optimism. even in dire situations, optimism fuels innovation and leads to new approaches that eliminate suffering. but if you never really see the people that are suffering, your optimism can"t help them. you will never change their world. and that brings me to what i see is a parado_.


the modern world is an incredible source of innovation and stanford stands at the center of that, creating new companies, new schools of thought, prize-winning professors, inspired art and literature, miracle drugs, and amazing graduates. whether you are a scientist with a new discovery, or working in the trenches to understand the needs of the most marginalized, you are advancing amazing breakthroughs in what human beings can do for each other.


at the same time, if you ask people across the united states is the future going to be better than the past, most say no. my kids will be worse off than i am. they think innovation won"t make the world better for them or their children.


so who is right? the people who say innovation will create new possibilities and make the world better? or the people who see a trend toward inequality and a decline in opportunity and don"t think innovation will change that?


the pessimists are wrong, in my view. but they are not crazy. if innovation is purely market driven, and we don"t focus on the big inequities, then we could have amazing advances and in inventions that leave the world even more divided. we won"t improve cure public schools, we won"t cure malaria, we won"t end poverty. we won"t develop the innovations poor farmers need to grow food in a changing climate.


if our optimism doesn"t address the problems that affect so many of our fellow human beings, then our optimism needs more empathy. if empathy channels our optimism, we will see the poverty and the disease and the poor schools. we will answer with our innovations and we will surprise the pessimists.


over the ne_t generation, you, stanford graduates, will lead a new wave of innovation. which problems will you decide to solve? if your world is wide, you can create the future we all want. if your world is narrow, you may create the future the pessimists fear.


i started learning in soweto, that if we are going to make our optimism matter to everyone, and empower people everyone, we have to see the lives of those most in need. if we have optimism, without empathy, then it doesn"t matter how much we master the secrets of science.


we are not really solving problems. we are just working on puzzles. i think most of you have a broader world view than i had at your age. you can do better at this than i did. if you put your hearts and minds to it, you can surprise the pessimists. we are eager to see it. (applause).


melinda gates: so let your heart break. it will change what you do with your optimism.


on a trip to south asia, i met a desperately poor indian woman. she had two children and she begged me to take them home with me. and when i begged her for her forgiveness she said, well then, please, just take one of them.


on another trip to south los angeles, i met with a group of the students from a tough neighborhood. a young girl said to me, do you ever feel like we are the kids" whose parents shirked their responsibilities and we are just the leftovers? these women broke my heart.


and they still do. and the empathy intensifies if i admit to myself, that could be me. when i talk with the mothers i meet during my travels, there"s no difference between what we want for our children. the only difference is our ability to provide it to our children.


so what accounts for that difference? bill and i talk about this with our own kids around the dinner table. bill worked incredibly hard and he took risks and he made sacrifices for success. but there"s another essential ingredient of success, and that is luck. absolute and total luck. when were you born? who are your parents? where did you grow up? none of us earn these things. these things were given to us.


so when we strip away all of our luck and our privilege and we consider where we would be without them, it becomes someone much easier to see someone who is poor and say, that could be me. and that"s empathy. empathy tears down barriers and it opens up whole new frontiers for optimism.


so here is our appeal to you all. as you leave stanford, take all your genius and your optimism and your empathy, and go change the world in ways that will make millions of people optimistic. you don"t have to rush. you have careers to launch and debts to pay and spouses to meet and marry. that"s plenty enough for right now. but in the course of your lives, perhaps without any plan on your part, you will see suffering that"s going to break your heart. and when it happens, don"t turn away from it. that"s the moment that change is born.


congratulations and good luck to the class of 2024!


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itake with me the memory of friday afternoon acm happy hours, known not for kegs of beer, but rather bowls of rainbow sherbet punch. over the several years that i attended these happy hours they enjoyed varying degrees of popularity, often proportional to the quality and quantity of the accompanying refreshments - but there was always the rainbow sherbert punch.

i take with me memories of purple parking permits, the west campus shuttle, checking my pendafle_, over-due library books, trying to print from cec, lunches on delmar, friends who slept in their offices, miniature golf in lopata hall, the greenway talk, division iii basketball, and trying to convince dean russel that yet another engineering school rule should be changed.毕业演讲稿 英文

finally, i would like to conclude, not with a memory, but with some advice. what would a graduation speech be without a little advice, right? anyway, this advice comes in the form of a verse delivered to the 1977 graduating class of lake forest college by theodore seuss geisel, better known to the world as dr. seuss - here"s how it goes:

my uncle ordered popovers from the restaurant"s bill of fare. and when they were served, he regarded them with a penetrating stare . . . then he spoke great words of wisdom as he sat there on that chair: "to eat these things," said my uncle, "you must e_cercise great care. you may swallow down what"s solid . . . but . . . you must spit out the air!"

and . . . as you partake of the world"s bill of fare, that"s darned good advice to follow. do a lot of spitting out the hot air. and be careful what you swallow.

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i particularly like the old chinese saying--if you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if you think in terms of ten years, plant trees; if you think in terms of 100 years, teach the people.

in india, too, the ancient saying is vyaye krate vardhate eva nityam, vidhya dhanam sarva dhan pradhanam.

the wealth that increases by giving. that wealth is knowledge and is supreme of all possessions.

this is one e_ample of how our two nations are united in their timeless wisdom.


i began my journey in china in _i"an. in doing so, i retraced the footsteps of the chinese monk _uanzang.he travelled to india from _i"an in the seventh century in search of knowledge and returned to _i"an as a friend and chronicler of india.

president _i"s visit in india last september started from ahmedabad. it is not far from vadnagar, my birthplace, but important, because it hosted _uanzang and many pilgrims from china.the world"s first large-scale educational e_change programme took place between india and china during the tang dynasty.

records talk of about 80 indian monks coming to china and nearly 150 chinese monks returning after their education in india. and yes, this was in the 10th and 11th century.

mumbai"s rise as a port and a shipbuilding centre is because of cotton trade with china.and, those who love silk and te_tiles know that india"s famous tanchoi sarees owe themselves to three brothers from my state of gujarat who learnt the art of weaving from chinese masters in the 19th century.and, in an unquestionable evidence of our ancient trade, silk in our classical sanskrit language is called cinapatta.

so, the centuries-old story of our relations has been of spiritualism, learning, art and trade.it is a picture of respect for each other"s civilisation and of shared prosperity.it is reflected in the human values of dr. dwarkanath kotnis, a doctor from india, who treated soldiers in china during the second world war.






in many ways, our two countries reflect the same aspirations, similar challenges and the same opportunities.

we can be inspired by each other"s successes.

and, in the global uncertainties of our times, we can reinforce each other"s progress.

perhaps, no other economy in the world offers such opportunities for the future as india"s. and, few partnerships are as filled with promise as ours.


today, we speak of asia"s resurgence. it is the result of the rise of many powers in the region at the same time.

it is an asia of great promise, but also many uncertainties.

asia"s re-emergence is leading to a multi-polar world that we both welcome.

but, it is also an unpredictable and comple_ environment of shifting equations.

we can be more certain of a peaceful and stable future for asia if india and china cooperate closely.



a resurgent asia is seeking a bigger voice in global affairs. india and china seek a greater role in the world. it may be reforms in the united nations security council or the new asian infrastructure investment bank.

but, asia"s voice will be stronger and our nation"s role more influential, if india and china speak in one voice - for all of us and for each other.

simply put, the prospects of the 21st century becoming the asian century will depend in large measure on what india and china achieve individually and what we do together.

the rising fortunes of 2.5 billion pairs of joined hands will be of the greatest consequence for our region and the humanity.

this is the vision that i share with president _i and premier li.

this is the impulse that is driving our relationship.



about 33% of the world"s population is either indian or chinese. yet, our people know very little of each other. we must seek inspiration from the pilgrims of the ancient times, who braved the unknown in search of knowledge, and enriched us both.

so, we have decided to e_tend electronic tourist visas to chinese nationals. we are celebrating the "year of india" in china in 2024.

we are launching the ‘provincial and state leaders forum’ today. later today, we will have the yoga-taichi event. it will represent the coming together of our two civilizations.

we are starting the gandhi and india study centre in fudan university and a college of yoga in kunming.



president _i has spoken eloquently about the inter-connected dreams of china and india and the new type of relationship between major countries.

not only are our dreams inter-connected, our future is also deeply inter- connected.

we are at a moment, when we have the opportunity to make our choices.

india and china are two proud civilizations and two great nations that will fulfill their destinies.

we each have the strength and the will to choose our own paths to success.

but, we have the ancient wisdom to know that our journey will be smoother and our future brighter, when we will walk together, confident of one another, and in step with each other.



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there is an alternative, however, and it may be one that hasn"t occurred to you. let me try to e_plain it by telling you a story about one of your peers, and the alternative that hadn"t occurred to her. a couple of years ago, i participated in a panel discussion at harvard that dealt with some of these same matters, and afterward i was contacted by one of the students who had come to the event, a young woman who was writing her senior thesis about harvard itself, how it instills in its students what she called self-efficacy, the sense that you can do anything you want. self-efficacy, or, in more familiar terms, self-esteem. there are some kids, she said, who get an a on a test and say, "i got it because it was easy." and there are other kids, the kind with self-efficacy or self-esteem, who get an a on a test and say, "i got it because i"m smart."

不过,还有另外一种情况,或许中年危机并不会发生在你身上。让我告诉你们一个同伴的故事来解释我的意思吧,还有一个她没有遇到过的可能。几年前,我在哈佛参加了一次小组讨论会,谈到这些问题。后来参加这次讨论的一个学生给我联系,这个哈佛学生正在写有关哈佛的毕业论文,讨论哈佛是如何给学生灌输她所说的"自我效能",一种相信自己能做一切的意识。自我效能或更熟悉的说法"自我尊重"。她说有些在考试中得了优秀的有些学生会说"我得优秀是因为试题很简单。" 但另外一些学生,那种具有自我效能感或自我尊重的学生,考试得了优秀会说"我得优秀是因为我聪明。"

again, there"s nothing wrong with thinking that you got an a because you"re smart. but what that harvard student didn"t realize—and it was really quite a shock to her when i suggested it—is that there is a third alternative. true self-esteem, i proposed, means not caring whether you get an a in the first place. true self-esteem means recognizing, despite everything that your upbringing has trained you to believe about yourself, that the grades you get—and the awards, and the test scores, and the trophies, and the acceptance letters—are not what defines who you are.

再说一遍,认为得了优秀是因为自己聪明的想法并没有任何错,不过,哈佛学生没有认识到的是他们没有第三种选择。当我指出这一点时, 她十分震惊。我指出,真正的自尊意味着最初根本就不在乎成绩是否优秀。真正的自尊意味着对此问题的足够认识:尽管你在成长过程中的一切都在教导你要相信自 己,但你所等获得的成绩,还有那些奖励、成绩、奖品、录取通知书等所有这一切,都不能来定义你是谁。

she also claimed, this young woman, that harvard students take their sense of self-efficacy out into the world and become, as she put it, "innovative." but when i asked her what she meant by innovative, the only e_ample she could come up with was "being ceo of a fortune 500." that"s not innovative, i told her, that"s just successful, and successful according to a very narrow definition of success. true innovation means using your imagination, e_ercising the capacity to envision new possibilities.


but i"m not here to talk about technological innovation, i"m here to talk about a different kind. it"s not about inventing a new machine or a new drug. it"s about inventing your own life. not following a path, but making your own path. the kind of imagination i"m talking about is moral imagination. "moral" meaning not right or wrong, but having to do with making choices. moral imagination means the capacity to envision new ways to live your life.

但这里我并不是在谈论技术创新,不是发明新机器或者制造一种新药,我谈论的是另外一种创新,是创造你自己的生活。不是走现成的道路,而是创造一条属于自己的道路。我谈论的想象力是道德想象力(moral imagination:心理学专业名词)。"道德"在这里无关对错,而是与选择有关。道德想象力意味着创造自己新生的能力。

it means not just going with the flow. it means not just "getting into" whatever school or program comes ne_t. it means figuring out what you want for yourself, not what your parents want, or your peers want, or your school wants, or your society wants. originating your own values. thinking your way toward your own definition of success. not simply accepting the life that you"ve been handed. not simply accepting the choices you"ve been handed. when you walk into starbucks, you"re offered a choice among a latte and a macchiato and an espresso and a few other things, but you can also make another choice. you can turn around and walk out. when you walk into college, you are offered a choice among law and medicine and investment banking and consulting and a few other things, but again, you can also do something else, something that no one has thought of before.

它意味着不随波逐流,不是下一步要"进入"什么名牌大学或研究生院。而是要弄清楚自己到底想要什么,而不是父母、同伴、 学校、或社会想要什么。即确认你自己的价值观,思考迈向自己所定义的成功的道路,而不仅仅是接受别人给你的生活,不仅仅是接受别人给你的选择。当今走进星巴克咖啡馆,服务员可能让你在牛奶咖啡、加糖咖啡、特制咖啡等几样东西之间做出选择。但你可以做出另外的选择,你可以转身走出去。当你进入大学,人家给你众多选择,或法律或医学或投资银行和咨询以及其他,但你同样也可以做其他事,做从前根本没有人想过的事。

let me give you another countere_ample. i wrote an essay a couple of years ago that touched on some of these same points. i said, among other things, that kids at places like yale or stanford tend to play it safe and go for the conventional rewards. and one of the most common criticisms i got went like this: what about teach for america? lots of kids from elite colleges go and do tfa after they graduate, so therefore i was wrong. tfa, tfa—i heard that over and over again. and teach for america is undoubtedly a very good thing. but to cite tfa in response to my argument is precisely to miss the point, and to miss it in a way that actually confirms what i"m saying. the problem with tfa—or rather, the problem with the way that tfa has become incorporated into the system—is that it"s just become another thing to get into.

让我再举一个反面的例子。几年前我写过涉及同类问题的文章。我说,那些在耶鲁和斯坦福这类名校的孩子往往比较谨慎,去追求一些稳妥的奖励。我得到的最常见的批评是:教育项目"为美国而教"如何?从名校出来的很多学生毕业后很多参与这个教育项目,因此我的观点是错误的。我一再听到tfa这个术语。"为美国而教"当然是好东西,但引用这个项目来反驳我的观点恰恰是不得要领,实际上正好证明了我想说的东西。"为美国而教"的问题 或者"为美国而教"已经成为体系一部分的问题,是它已经成为另外一个需要"进入"的门槛。

in terms of its content, teach for america is completely different from goldman sachs or mckinsey or harvard medical school or berkeley law, but in terms of its place within the structure of elite e_pectations, of elite choices, it is e_actly the same. it"s prestigious, it"s hard to get into, it"s something that you and your parents can brag about, it looks good on your résumé, and most important, it represents a clearly marked path. you don"t have to make it up yourself, you don"t have to do anything but apply and do the work­—just like college or law school or mckinsey or whatever. it"s the stanford or harvard of social engagement. it"s another hurdle, another badge. it requires aptitude and diligence, but it does not require a single ounce of moral imagination.


moral imagination is hard, and it"s hard in a completely different way than the hard things you"re used to doing. and not only that, it"s not enough. if you"re going to invent your own life, if you"re going to be truly autonomous, you also need courage: moral courage. the courage to act on your values in the face of what everyone"s going to say and do to try to make you change your mind. because they"re not going to like it. morally courageous individuals tend to make the people around them very uncomfortable. they don"t fit in with everybody else"s ideas about the way the world is supposed to work, and still worse, they make them feel insecure about the choices that they themselves have made—or failed to make. people don"t mind being in prison as long as no one else is free. but stage a jailbreak, and everybody else freaks out.

道德想象力是困难的,这种困难与你已经习惯的困难完全不同。不仅如此,光有道德想象力还不够。如果你要创造自己的生活,如果你 想成为真正的独立思想者,你还需要勇气:道德勇气。不管别人说什么,有按自己的价值观行动的勇气,不会因为别人不喜欢而试图改变自己的想法。具有道德勇气的个人往往让周围的人感到不舒服。他们和其他人对世界的看法格格不入,更糟糕的是,让别人对自己已经做出的选择感到不安全或无法做出选择。只要别人也不享受自由,人们就不在乎自己被关进监狱。可一旦有人越狱,其他人都会跟着跑出去。

in a portrait of the artist as a young man, james joyce has stephen dedalus famously say, about growing up in ireland in the late 19th century, "when the soul of a man is born in this country there are nets flung at it to hold it back from flight. you talk to me of nationality, language, religion. i shall try to fly by those nets."

在《青年艺术家的肖像》中,詹姆斯·乔伊斯让主人公斯蒂芬·迪达勒斯就19世纪末期的爱尔兰的成长环境说出了如下名言: "当一个人的灵魂诞生在这个国家时,有一张大网把它罩住,防止它飞翔。你跟我谈论民族性、语言和宗教。我想冲出这些牢笼。"

today there are other nets. one of those nets is a term that i"ve heard again and again as i"ve talked with students about these things. that term is "self-indulgent." "isn"t it self-indulgent to try to live the life of the mind when there are so many other things i could be doing with my degree?" "wouldn"t it be self-indulgent to pursue painting after i graduate instead of getting a real job?"

今天,我们面临的是其它的网。其中之一是我在就这些问题与学生交流时经常听到的一个术语"自我放任"。"在攻读学位过程中有 这么多事要做的时候,试图按照自己的感觉生活难道不是自我放任吗?""毕业后不去找个真正的工作而去画画难道不是自我放任吗?"

these are the kinds of questions that young people find themselves being asked today if they even think about doing something a little bit different. even worse, the kinds of questions they are made to feel compelled to ask themselves. many students have spoken to me, as they navigated their senior years, about the pressure they felt from their peers—from their peers—to justify a creative or intellectual life. you"re made to feel like you"re crazy: crazy to forsake the sure thing, crazy to think it could work, crazy to imagine that you even have a right to try.


think of what we"ve come to. it is one of the great testaments to the intellectual—and moral, and spiritual—poverty of american society that it makes its most intelligent young people feel like they"re being self-indulgent if they pursue their curiosity. you are all told that you"re supposed to go to college, but you"re also told that you"re being "self-indulgent" if you actually want to get an education. or even worse, give yourself one. as opposed to what? going into consulting isn"t self-indulgent? going into finance isn"t self-indulgent? going into law, like most of the people who do, in order to make yourself rich, isn"t self-indulgent? it"s not ok to play music, or write essays, because what good does that really do anyone, but it is ok to work for a hedge fund. it"s selfish to pursue your passion, unless it"s also going to make you a lot of money, in which case it"s not selfish at all.

想象我们现在面临的局面。这是美国社会的贫困——思想、道德和精神贫困的最明显症状,美国最聪明的年轻人竟然认为听从自己的好奇心行动就是自我放任。你们得到的教导是应该上大学,但你们同时也被告知如果真的想得到教育,那就是"自我放任"。如果你自我教育的话,更糟糕。这是什么 道理?进入证券咨询业是不是自我放任?进入金融业是不是自我放任?像许多人那样进入律师界发财是不是自我放任?搞音乐,写文章就不行,因为它不能给人带来 利益。但为风险投资公司工作就可以。追求自己的理想和激情是自私的,除非它能让你赚很多钱。那样的话,就一点儿也不自私了。

do you see how absurd this is? but these are the nets that are flung at you, and this is what i mean by the need for courage. and it"s a never-ending proc­ess. at that harvard event two years ago, one person said, about my assertion that college students needed to keep rethinking the decisions they"ve made about their lives, "we already made our decisions, back in middle school, when we decided to be the kind of high achievers who get into harvard." and i thought, who wants to live with the decisions that they made when they were 12? let me put that another way. who wants to let a 12-year-old decide what they"re going to do for the rest of their lives? or a 19-year-old, for that matter?

你看到这些观点是多么荒谬了吗?这就是罩在你们身上的网,就是我说的需要勇气的意思。这是永不停息的过程。在两年前的哈 佛事件中,有个学生谈到我说的大学生需要重新思考人生决定的观点,他说"我们已经做出了决定,我们早在中学时就已经决定成为能够进入哈佛的高材生。"我在 想,谁会打算按照他在12岁时做出的决定生活呢?让我换一种说法,谁愿意让一个12岁的孩子决定他们未来一辈子要做什么呢?或者一个19岁的小毛孩儿?

all you can decide is what you think now, and you need to be prepared to keep making revisions. because let me be clear. i"m not trying to persuade you all to become writers or musicians. being a doctor or a lawyer, a scientist or an engineer or an economist—these are all valid and admirable choices. all i"m saying is that you need to think about it, and think about it hard. all i"m asking is that you make your choices for the right reasons. all i"m urging is that you recognize and embrace your moral freedom.

你能做出的决定是你现在想什么,你需要准备好不断修改自己的决定。让我说得更明白一些。我不是在试图说服你们都成为音乐家或者作家。成为医生、律师、科学家、工程师或者经济学家没有什么不好,这些都是可靠的、可敬的选择。我想说的是你需要思考它,认真地思考。我请求你们 做的,是根据正确的理由做出你的选择。我在敦促你们的,是认识到你的道德自由并热情拥抱它。

and most of all, don"t play it safe. resist the seductions of the cowardly values our society has come to prize so highly: comfort, convenience, security, predictability, control. these, too, are nets. above all, resist the fear of failure. yes, you will make mistakes. but they will be your mistakes, not someone else"s. and you will survive them, and you will know yourself better for having made them, and you will be a fuller and a stronger person.

最重要的是,不要太过小心翼翼。去拒绝或否定我们社会给予了过高奖赏的那些卑怯的价值观的诱惑:舒服、方便、安全、可预测 的、可控制的。这些,同样是罗网。最重要的是,去拒否失败的恐惧感。是的,你会犯错误。可那是你的错误,不是别人的。你将从错误中缓过来,而且,正是因为 这些错误,你更好地认识你自己。由此,你成为更完整和强大的人。

it"s been said—and i"m not sure i agree with this, but it"s an idea that"s worth taking seriously—that you guys belong to a "postemotional" generation. that you prefer to avoid messy and turbulent and powerful feelings. but i say, don"t shy away from the challenging parts of yourself. don"t deny the desires and curiosities, the doubts and dissatisfactions, the joy and the darkness, that might knock you off the path that you have set for yourself. college is just beginning for you, adulthood is just beginning. open yourself to the possibilities they represent. the world is much larger than you can imagine right now. which means, you are much larger than you can imagine.

人们常说你们年轻人属于"后情感"一代,我想我未必赞同这个说法,但这个说法值得严肃对待。你们更愿意规避混乱、动荡 和强烈的感情,但我想说,不要回避挑战自我,不要否认欲望和好奇心、怀疑和不满、快乐和阴郁,它们可能改变你预设的人生轨迹。大学刚开始,成年时代也才刚 开始。打开自己,直面各种可能性吧。这个世界的深广远超你现在想象的边际。这意味着,你自身的深广也将远超你现在的想象。

大学英文演讲稿 模板11



thank you, plena. thank you, jun. thank you, peishan for helping this set up.


thank you all for being here today and the late comers as well. thank you for coming in quietly.


i wanna start off today just to take a moment of silence for the victims of the sichuan earthquake and also for the victims of the boston marathon bombing. so let’s just take a minute to pay our respect to that.


thank you.


i never thought i would be addressing you, the esteemed members of the o_ford union, without a guitar or an erhu, without my crazy stage hair, costumes. but i did perform in the o2 arena in london last week. i am not sure if any of you were able to make that. but in many ways, that was similar to what i’m talking about today, that is, introducing chinese pop music here.

尊敬的各位牛津大学辩论会和牛津大学亚太学生会的同学们,万万想不到会以这样的方式跟你们相聚。没有吉他和二胡,没有夸张的舞台装也没有"火力全开"头。不过上周确实在伦敦的o2体育馆表演过了。不知道大家有没有去看呢。 但是,从各方面来说,这些跟我们今天的话题都有密切的关联。那就是-介绍华流音乐。

see, i am actually an ambassador of chinese pop, whether i like it or not, both music and movies. and today i’m here to give you the state of union address. it’s not the o_ford union. it’s the union of east and west. i wanna frankly, openly and honestly talk about how we’ve done a good job or how we’ve done a bad job of bringing chinese pop to the west. and i also want to press upon all of you here today the importance of that soft culture, that soft power e_change and how each of us is involved in that e_change.


soft power, a term i am sure you are all familiar with this point

软实力这个词我相信大家都不陌生。这个概念是由rhodes scholar 和牛津校友joseph nye 提出的。

coined by rhodes scholar and o_ford alumnus joseph nye is defined as the ability to attract and persuade.


shashi tharoor called it, in a recent ted talk, the ability for a culture to tell a compelling story and influence others to fall in love with it.

shashi tharoor 在最近的一次ted演讲中把它定义为"一种文化让其他文化在听了他动人的故事之后受到影响并爱上这种文化"的能力。

i like that definition.


but i want to put it in collegiate term for all you students in the audience: the way i see it, east and west are kinda like freshman roommates.


you don’t know a lot about each other but suddenly you are living together in the same room. and each one is scared that the other’s gonna steal his shower time or wants a party when the other wants to study.


it has the potential to be absolute hell, doesn’t it? we all had horrible stories of that roommate. we’ve all heard about those stories. i know a lot of students here in o_ford have your own separate bedrooms. but when i was a freshman at williams college, i was not so safe and fortunate.


(you are kidding me. woo-hoo! all right, all right!great. )


and frank had a two-foot long bong under his bed that was constantly being fired up. for those chiese speakers in the audience. frank would "火力全开" on that bong every day.


all right


so, how many of you have lived with the frank, or could be a frank gat? having a roommate can be a recipe for disaster, but it also has the potential for being the greatest friendship you’ve ever had. see, frank, he didn’t make it the second year. and i got two new roommates second year, stephen and jason. and in this day, the three of us are the best friends.

你们中有多少人有过frank那样的舍友呢?或者,你们也像他一样。所以有一个室友可能是一场灾难的开始。但也可能会酿造一段非凡的友谊。frank第二年就辍学了。于是我换了两个新的舍友,stefan 和 jason。如今,我们三个是铁哥们。

so going back to my analogy, of east and west as roommates. do we want to be frank, or do we want to be stephen and jason? and i think, in this day and age of 2024, we should all be striving for the latter, should we…i mean i’m assuming that we all agree that this is the goal we should all be striving for.

回过头来看我的那个类比,我们东方和西方的舍友。是应该成为frank那样的存在,还是想像stefan 和 jason那样呢?我认为在当时当下,在2024,我们应该努力成为后者。我们应该, 我是说,我想在这一目标上我们是可以达成共识的,对吧?

let’s look at where we are in reality. recent headlines in the media include, foreign policy magazine: china’s victim comple_. why are chinese leaders so paranoid about the united states? or the afp, the agence france-presse, human rights in china worsening us finds. bloomberg says, on the cover of its magazine, "yes, the chinese army is spying on you."


and it’s such a great one that i just want to show you the cover of the magazine. yes. be very afraid! ok, is it shown to you right? ok. so there’s actually an e_tremely high amount of negativity and fear and an_iety about china, sinophobia, that i think is not just misinformed, but also misleading and ultimately dangerous, very dangerous.


and what about how westerners are viewed by chinese? well, we have terms for westerners. the most common of which are gweilo in cantonese, which means "the old devil", lao wai, meaning the old outsider in mandarin, ang moh, which means the "red hairy one" in taiwanese. the list goes on and on. so are these roommates headed for a best friend relationship? i think we need a little help. and as china rises to be global power, i think it is more important than ever for us to be discerning about what we believe, because after all, i think that’s the purpose of higher education.


and that’s why we are all here: to be able to think for ourselves and make our own decisions. china’s not just those headlines, the burgeoning economy of the unique politics. it’s not just the world’s factory or the ne_t big superpower, it’s so much more. a billion people with rich culture, amazing stories and as a product of both of those cultures, i want to help foster understanding between the two, and help create that incredible relationship.


because knowing both sides of the coin, i really think that there is a love story waiting to be told, waiting to unfold. and i am only half-joking when i said love story because i believe it is, the stories that will save us, will bring us together. and my thesis statement for today’s talk is that, the relationship between the east and west needs to be and can be fi_ed via pop culture. that’s a big fat plan. and i am gotta trying to back it up!


the un secretary general bunki boo said: "there are no language required in musical world." that is the power of music. that is the power of the heart. through this promotion of arts, we can better understand that the culture and civilizations of other people. in this era of instability and intolerance, we need to promote better understanding through the power of music.


now the un secretary general thinks we need more music, and i think he is right. music and arts have always played the key role in my life in building relationships, replacing what once was the ignorance, fear and hatred with acceptance, friendships and even love. so i have a strong case for promoting music between cultures because it happened to me early in life.


i was born and raised in rochester, new york. i barely spoke a word of chinese. i didn’t know the difference between taiwan or thailand. i was… that’s true. i was as american as apple pie. until one day, on a third grade playground, the inevitable finally happened. i got teased for being chinese. now every kid gets teased or made fun on the playground, but this was fundamentally different. and i knew it right then and there. this kid, let’s call him bryan m. he started making fun of me, saying " chinese, japanese, dirty knees, look at these." i can’t believe you are laughing at that and that hurts. ok, i am just kidding. i can still remember how i felt. i felt ashamed. i felt embarrassed.

我在纽约的罗切斯特长大,几乎不会说中文。我连"台湾"和"泰国"这两个词都分不清楚。那是真的!我那时是个地地道道的美国人。直到我上了三年级,有一天在操场上,不可避免的事情终于发生了。因为中国人的血统,我第一次被人嘲笑了。当然一起玩的小孩都会互相戏弄开玩笑,但这次绝对不同。这点当时我立马就感觉到了。我们暂且管那个孩子叫bryan m吧。它开始嘲笑我说,中国人,日本人,脏膝盖,快来看。(英文还押韵)你们居然还笑,我太受伤了!好吧,我只是开个玩笑。我依然能够记得我当时的感觉。我感觉特别丢脸,特别尴尬。

but i laughed along with him, with everyone. i didn’t know what else to do. it was like having a out-of-body e_perience, as if i could laugh at that chinese kid on the playground with all the other americans because i was one of them. right? wrong. on may levels.


and i was facing in front of the first but definitely not the last time, the harsh reality that i was minority in rochester, which in those days had an asian population of one percent.


and i was confused. i wanted to punch brian. i wanted to hurt him for putting me in that situation. but he was faster than me and he was stronger than me. and he would kick my butt and we both knew that. so i just took it in. and i didn’t tell anyone or share with anyone these feelings. i just held them in and i let them fester. and those feelings would surface in a strangely therapeutic way for me through music. and it was no coincidence that around that time i started getting good with the violin, the guitar, and the drums. and i would soon discover that by playing music or singing, other kids would, for a brief moment, forget about my race or color and accept me and then be able to see me for who i truly am, a human being who’s emotional, spiritual, curious about the world and has a need for love, just like everyone else.

我当时心里很乱,我很想把bryan 打一顿。他让我陷入那种窘境,因此我也要让他难过。但是他身材比我壮,出手也比我快。如果和他打架,我一定会被揍得更惨。这一点我们都知道。所以我就忍了下来。我从来没有告诉过别人。也没发泄什么感受。一直自己忍着,想让他们烂在心底就好了。后来慢慢地,这些感受在音乐里竟然十分巧妙地把我治愈了。我那个时候对小提琴,吉他,鼓都越来越得心应手,当然不是巧合。我渐渐发现,当我演奏或者唱歌的时候,其他孩子便会忘记我的种族或我的肤色。而真正接受我,了解真正的我,哪怕只是一小会。每当这个时候,他们就会发现,我跟他们都是一样的人。我也对世界充满感性的好奇和想象,我也需要爱。

and by the si_ grade, guess who asked me if i would be the drummer for his band? brian. and i said yes. and that’s when we together formed the elementary school rock band called nirvana. i am not kidding. i wan in the rock band called nirvana before kurt cobain’s nirvana was ever known. so when nirvana came out, bryan and i were like "hey, he’s stealing our name." but, really what attracted me to music at this young age was just this and it’s still what i love about music is that it breaks down the walls between us and shows us so quickly the truth that we are much more alike than we are different. then in high school, i learned that music wasn’t just about connecting with other, like bryan and i were connected through music. it was a powerful tool of influence and inspiration.


sam wayne was my high school janitor. he was an immigrant from vietnam who barely spoke a word of english. sam scrubbed the floors and cleaned the bathrooms in our school for twenty years. and he never talked to the kids and the kids never talked to sam. but one day, before the opening night of our school’s annual musical, he walked up to me, holding a letter. and i was taken aback. i was thinking, "why is sam the janitor approaching me? and he gave me this letter that i have kept to this day. it was scrawled in a shaky hand written in all in capitals. and i read: "in all my years of working as a genitor at sutherland, you are the first asian boy that played the lead role. i am gonna bring my si_-year-old daughter to watch you perform tonight because i want her to see that asians can be inspiring." and that letter just floored me. i was fifteen years old and i was absolutely stunned. that’s the first time i realized how music was so important.

sam wayne是我们学校的门卫。他是越南侨民。几乎从来不说英语。sam在我们学校做了二十几年的清洁工,擦地板,扫厕所。却从来没跟学生们说过话。学生们也从不跟他说话。但是一天,我们学校一年一度的音乐节前夕,sam找到我,手里拿着一封信。我吓坏了,心里琢磨,门卫sam找我会有什么事?于是他递给了我那封我至今保存的信。一看就是用颤抖的手写下的潦草字迹。全都是大写字母,信上写着,我在这个学校当了那么多年门卫,你是我见过的第一个担纲主唱的亚洲男孩。我今晚要带我六岁的女儿来看你的演出。因为我想要她看到,我们亚洲人也可以带给人好多正能量。我真的被那封信震惊了。十五岁的我当时就惊呆了。我第一次意识到,原来音乐如此重要。

with bryan, music helped two kids who were initially enemies become friends. but with sam, music went beyond the one-on-one. it was even a higher level. it influenced others i didn’t even know in ways i can never imagine. i can’t tell you how grateful i am to sam, the janitor, to this day. he really is one of the people who helped me discover my life’s purpose. and i had no idea that something i did could mean more than ever imagined to an immigrant from vietnam who barely spoke english. pop culture, music, and the other methods of story telling, movies, tv dramas, they are so key and they do connect us like me and bryan and do influence us and inspire us.


then let’s take another look at this state of union the east, west union, with this soft-power bias. how is the soft power e_change between these two roommates? are the songs in english that become hits in china? for sure. how about movies? well, there are so many…that china has had to limit the number hollywood movies imported into the country so that local films can even have a chance at success. what about the flip side of that? the chinese songs that have a hit in the west? well…(yes!)


heheha,yeah, and movies. well there was crouching tiger, that was thirteen years ago. and, well i think there is a bit of an imbalance here. and i think it’s a soft-power deficit, let’s call that. i mean look in this direction. that is to say, the west influences the east more than vice versa. and forgive me for using east and west kind of loosely but i think it’s a lot easier to state this than english-speaking language or the asian speaking language… chinese, or cantonese specifically, i think i’m making a generalization i hope you can go with me on this.


and it’s interestingly a problem with this imbalance in pop cultural influence. and i think so. i think in any healthy relationship or friendship or marriage, isn’t it important for both sides to make an effort to understand the other? and that this e_change needs to have a healthy balance.

这种在流行文化影响方面的不平衡其实是个很有趣的问题。试想在任何一段健康的关系中,无论是友谊还是婚姻,双方彼此努力去了解对方都再重要不过了,对吗? 这种软实力交换需要一种平衡。

and how do we address this? as an ambassador for chinese pop music and movies, i have to ask myself the question, why does this deficit e_ist? is it because chinese music just is lame? don’t answer that, please. yeah i can just see some of you are really like: "stop complaining! write a hit song! psy did!" you know.but actually there is truth in that.


and the argument being that the content we’ve created just isn’t as internationally competitive. and why shouldn’t be? well, look at korean pop, look at k-pop for e_ample. korean is an e_port-based economy and they are outward looking.


and they must be outward looking. chinese pop, on the other hand, can just kind of stay domestic, tour all over chinese-speaking territories and comfortably sustained. so when we are, that big and powerful, there’re over 160 cities in china with a million or more people. you tend to kind of turn inward and be complacent(自满的).


so this certainly can be an argument made for chinese pop being not marked with international sensibilities in mind. but the other side of the argument, i think is more interesting and thought-provoking and even more true that western ears aren’t familiar with, and therefore don’t really understand how to appreciate chinese music. ouch!


ok, the reason i think that argument holds water though is because that’s e_actly what i went through. so i happen to know a thing or two about learning to appreciate chinese pop as a westerner. cause as i was 17 years old when i went from being the asian kid in america to being an american kid in china. and the entire paradigm suddenly got flipped on its head.


i grow up listening to beatie boyz, led zeppelin, guns n’ roses. then i found myself in taiwan, listening to the radio and thinking, where’s the beat? where is the screeching(呼啸声) guitar solos? and here i am an american kid in asia, listening to chinese music for the first time and thinking "this stuff is lamb. i don’t like it." i thought it was cheesy, production value was low. the singers couldn’t belt like a_l rose, or mariah carey. but then one day, i went to my first chinese pop concert and it was yu chengqing, harlem yu, performing in 台北社教馆the taibei music center.

以前我是听着beatie boyz, led zeppelin,枪花长大的。但是到了台湾之后,我常边听音乐边想, 这音乐怎么一点节奏感没有!华丽的吉他独奏在哪里!所以,作为一个在亚洲的美国孩子,我刚开始接触到华语音乐的时候心里的想法是,这音乐太逊了,我不喜欢。我觉得这些歌都太不给力了。制作价值太低。这些歌手就是没有a_l rose (枪花主唱)或者mariah carey 那么会飙高音。直到有一天,我听了人生中第一场华流演唱会。是庾澄庆,哈林。在台北音乐中心的那场。

and as he performed, i looked around the audience and i saw their faces and the look in their eyes, their responsiveness to his music. and it was clear to me, finally, where the problem lay. it wasn’t that the music was lacking. it was my ability to appreciate it and to hear it in the right way. the crowd, they would sing along and be totally emerged in his music and i had this epiphany(顿悟) that i was missing point. and from now on, i was going to, somehow, learn how to get it.

当他表演时,我看到台下观众脸上的表情,眼神 和他们对音乐的那种热烈响应。我总算知道问题出在哪里了。并不是华语音乐缺少什么,而是我不能够正确的聆听和欣赏它。看到台下的人群跟着哈林一起唱并且完全沉浸在他的音乐里的时候,我顿悟到,我起初没有很好的理解。我现在应该开始学着如何领悟它们。

i was going to learn how to hear with local ears and i deconstructed and analyzed what it was that made chinese audiences connect with certain types of melodies and rhythms and songs structures and lyrics. that’s what i’ve been doing for the past almost twenty years. and it took me a long time and i am still learning.


but at some point, i not only began to be able to appreciate the music, but i started being able to contribute to it. and i created my own fresh spins on the tried and true. and i think this happens to everyone, really, who is on the outside looking in, it always looks strange if you look at things from your perspective. you’re always gonna think that these people are weirdoes(古怪的人).what’s wrong with them? why are they listening to this stuff? and i am saying that you can make an effort and get it. it can be done and i am a living proof for that. and as an ambassador of chinese pop, i am trying to get people to open up to a sound that they may not feel as palatable(使人愉悦的,随人心愿的) at the first time listen. what else should we do to reduce imbalance in our popular cultures?


well, maybe give a talk of the o_ford union, tour more outside of china? but seriously, actually i think the tides are already starting to change very slowly, very cautiously, almost calculatingly. you see more cross-cultural e_change now, more interest in china, definitely a lot of joint ventures, a lot of co-productions in recent years, iron man 3, transformers fifty three, resident evil… really it’s beginning to be kind of a world pop. and that’s what i am looking forward to, and that’s what i am focusing on these days. there was j-pop, there was k-pop, there‘sc-pop. and there’s like this w-pop, that’s kind of starting to emerge. this world pop. and i think. yeah, i love that idea. it’s not world music. it’s not. it’s world pop. and i think… yeah i love that idea that it’s not world music. it’s not like… there used to be section hmv called world music now it’s like ethnomusicology (人种音乐学) musical class in college.


no, but world pop is more about breaking and turning down age-old stereotypes, the artificial confines that have kept us apart for way too long. it’s a melting pot and it’s mosaic that even when we look up close, we’d still see the colors and flavors of each culture in detail. and where can we go to listen to world pop? i don’t think there is a world pop station or a magazine, unfortunately, there are none- there should be.


but there is the internet and has proven to be a driving force for world pop. britain’s got talent made susan boyle the hottest act in the world. and she achieved that not through the record labels or the networks but through grassroots sharing. gangnam style is another great e_ample how that just took over and became a huge worldwide world pop phenomenon. so world pop also suggests a worldwide pop culture and something that can be shared by all of us and give us a lot of common ground.


so today, what’s my called action? i wanna improve a multicultural e_change between the east and the west. i think i have made that clear, but how? i think… you can all become pop singers. really…i think that’s the answer. no, i am just kidding. unless that’s what you really wanna do. my called action is this: build and protect that roommate relationship between the east and the west. value this relationship and take ownership of it. don’t come to o_ford as an e_change student from taiwan and only hang out with other chinese students. why would you do that? you could do that back in wuhan or nanjing or wherever you came from.


don’t buy into the headlines or the stereotypes or into the hyper nationalism. think for yourselves, and this goes for the east and west both. get to know one another and think for yourselves and don’t believe the hype. for a moment, if we could just disregard the governments, and what the media are saying, just for the sake of the argument, with our own tools of critical thinking, can we build relationships that actually see one another as individual human beings and not faceless members of a particular ethnicity or nationality? of course we can do that. and that’s the goal and dream, i think of the romantic artists and the musicians. i think it’s always been there. and that’s what i wish for, and that’s what makes music and art so powerful and so true, and breaks down instantly and disintegrates all the artificial barriers that we’ve created between each other, government, nationality, black, brown, yellow, white, whatever color you are, and shows each other our hearts, our fears, our hopes and our dreams. and it turns out in the end the east isn’t that far after all. and the west, well, ain’t so wild.


and through understanding each other’s popular cultures, we gain insight in each other’s hearts and true selves. for those of you who are just beginning that journey, the west and east, i want to invite you today on this amazing journey with me. and i, as an e_perienced traveler on this road, on the west and east road, i’ve prepared a mi_-tape for all of you today, of then songs that i love, there, that’s a c-pop mi_-tape. that you can check out. i was going to bring you all cds, but my publicist reminded me lovingly that would be illegal. so because i’m a professional recording artist, i shouldn’t do that. but actually the link works out nicely, because you get to see the music videos as well on a lot of these songs.


and these ten songs are songs that i love and ten different chinese artists to start you off on getting to know and love chinese pop. i think these guys are awesome and i hope you do too. i just wanna wrap up by saying that being here on the o_ford campus really makes me nostalgic for my days at williams. and when i look back on those four years, some of my fondest memories are spending time with my roommates stephan papiano and jason price. in fact, jason is here in the audience today and nake this special trip form london just to see me. and i suppose in the beginning we were strangers. we didn’t know much about each other and sometimes we die compete for the shower. there were time when we did intrude on each other’s privacy. but i always loved listening to stephen’s stories about growing up in a greek family and his opinions on what authentic greek food really was. or jason’s stories about wanting to make violins and to live in cremona, italy like antonio stradivari and he did do that.

这10首我最爱的歌曲,来自不同的很棒的中国音乐人。我们就从他们开始了解入手中国的流行音乐吧!我觉得这些音乐人都很棒,希望你们也能喜欢。最后的最后,我只想说,现在置身于牛津大学校园,真的让我不由的回忆起我在威廉姆斯大学的那段时光。当我回首那四年,我发现最值得回忆的,就是于室友stephan papiano和jason price共处的时光了。事实上呢,jason就在观众席中。他专程从伦敦赶来看我。我在想,刚开始大家还是陌生人,我们对彼此不了解,有时候我们还会抢淋浴,甚至互相侵犯别人的隐私。但是我一直喜欢听stephen讲他在一个希腊家庭里成长的故事。还有他眼里原汁原味的希腊菜应该长什么样子。或是jason的故事,说他渴望以做小提琴为生,生活在意大利的克雷默那,像安东尼奥特拉迪瓦那样,而他的梦想后来真的实现了。

and i will never forget many years later when i played a jason price handmade violin for the first time and how that felt. they were always attentive and respectful when i tell them about what it was like for me growing up in a chinese household with strict parents who made me study. so we shared stories, but the strongest bonds between us were formed just sitting around and listening to music together. and i really do see that as a model for east and west. so that’s why i want to share chinese music with you today because it’s the best way i know how to create the lasting friendships that transcend all barriers and allow us to know each other truly, authentically and just as we are.

多年之后,我都无法忘记,我第一次拉"jason price"手工制作的小提琴时的场景,还有当时我内心的触动。他们也总是那样聚精会神,十分尊重的倾听我的成长故事,如何在一个中国传统家庭里长大。我的父母很严格,一直逼我学习。我们会互相分享各自的故事但是我们之间的纽带系的最牢的时候却是当我们单纯的围坐在一起听音乐的时候,我真心觉得我们的例子,就是东西人互相理解并和谐共处的典范。因此,这就是为何我今天要与各位分享中国的音乐。因为据我所知,这是最好的一种方式,让友谊地久天长。而这份友谊超越了所有的界限,让我们真真切切的了解彼此,展现最真实的自己。

thank you!


大学英文演讲稿 模板12


this is the te_t of the commencement address by steve jobs, ceo of apple computer and of pi_ar animation studios, delivered on june 12, 2024.

i am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. i never graduated from college. truth be told, i never graduated from college. this is the closest i"ve ever gotten to a college graduation. today i want to tell you three stories from my life. that"s it. no big deal. just three stories.


the first story is about connecting the dots.

第一个故事 关于串起生命中的点点滴滴

i dropped out of reed college after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before i really quit. so why did i drop out?


it started before i was born. my biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. she felt very strongly that i should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. e_cept that when i popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. so my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: "we have an une_pected baby boy; do you want him?" they said: "of course." my biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. she refused to sign the final adoption papers. she only relented a few months later when my parents promised that i would someday go to college.

故事要从我出生之前开始说起。我的生母是一名年轻的未婚妈妈,当时她还是一所大学的在读研究生,于是决定把我送给其他人收养。她坚持我应该被一对念过大学的夫妇收养,所以在我出生的时候,她已经为我被一个律师和他的太太收养做好了所有的准备。但在最后一刻,这对夫妇改了主意,决定收养一个女孩。候选名单上的另外一对夫妇,也就是我的养父母,在一天午夜接到了一通电话:“ 有一个不请自来的男婴,你们想收养吗?” 他们回答:“ 当然想。” 事后,我的生母才发现我的养母根本就没有从大学毕业,而我的养父甚至连高中都没有毕业,所以她拒绝签署最后的收养文件,直到几个月后,我的养父母保证会把我送到大学,她的态度才有所转变。

and 17 years later i did go to college. but i naively chose a college that was almost as e_pensive as stanford, and all of my working-class parents" savings were being spent on my college tuition. after si_ months, i couldn"t see the value in it. i had no idea what i wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. and here i was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. so i decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out ok. it was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions i ever made. the minute i dropped out i could stop taking the required classes that didn"t interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.

17 年之后,我真上了大学。但因为年幼无知,我选择了一所和斯坦福一样昂贵的大学,(笑声)我的父母都是工人阶级,他们倾其所有资助我的学业。在6个月之后,我发现自己完全不知道这样念下去究竟有什么用。当时,我的人生漫无目标,也不知道大学对我能起到什么帮助,为了念书,还花光了父母毕生的积蓄,所以我决定退学。我相信车到山前必有路。当时作这个决定的时候非常害怕,但现在回头去看,这是我这一生所做出的最正确的决定之一。(笑声)从我退学那一刻起,我就再也不用去上那些我毫无兴趣的必修课了,我开始旁听那些看来比较有意思的科目。

it wasn"t all romantic. i didn"t have a dorm room, so i slept on the floor in friends" rooms, i returned coke bottles for the 5 cent; deposits to buy food with, and i would walk the 7 miles across town every sunday night to get one good meal a week at the hare krishna temple. i loved it. and much of what i stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. let me give you one e_ample:

reed college at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. because i had dropped out and didn"t have to take the normal classes, i decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. i learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. it was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can"t capture, and i found it fascinating.

这件事情做起来一点都不浪漫。因为没有自己的宿舍,我只能睡在朋友房间的地板上;可乐瓶的押金是5 分钱,我把瓶子还回去好用押金买吃的;在每个周日的晚上,我都会步行7英里穿越市区,到harekrishna教堂吃一顿大餐,我喜欢那儿的食物。我跟随好奇心和直觉所做的事情,事后证明大多数都是极其珍贵的经验。我举一个例子:那个时候,里德大学提供了全美国最好的书法教育。整个校园的每一张海报,每一个抽屉上的标签,都是漂亮的手写体。由于已经退学,不用再去上那些常规的课程,于是我选择了一个书法班,想学学怎么写出一手漂亮字。在这个班上,我学习了各种字体,如何改变不同字体组合之间的字间距,以及如何做出漂亮的版式。那是一种科学永远无法捕捉的充满美感、历史感和艺术感的微妙,我发现这太有意思了。

none of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. but ten years later, when we were designing the first macintosh computer, it all came back to me. and we designed it all into the mac. it was the first computer with beautiful typography. if i had never dropped in on that single course in college, the mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. and since windows just copied the mac, its likely that no personal computer would have them. if i had never dropped out, i would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when i was in college. but it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later.

当时,我压根儿没想到这些知识会在我的生命中有什么实际运用价值;但是10 年之后,当我们设计第一款macintosh 电脑的时候,这些东西全派上了用场。我把它们全部设计进了mac ,这是第一台可以排出好看版式的电脑。如果当时我大学里没有旁听这门课程的话,mac 就不会提供各种字体和等间距字体。自从windows系统抄袭了mac 以后,(鼓掌大笑)所有的个人电脑都有了这些东西。如果我没有退学,我就不会去书法班旁听,而今天的个人电脑大概也就不会有出色的版式功能。当然我在念大学的那会儿,不可能有先见之明,把那些生命中的点点滴滴都串起来;但10 年之后再回头看,生命的轨迹变得非常清楚。

again, you can"t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. you have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. this approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

再强调一次,你不可能充满预见地将生命的点滴串联起来;只有在你回头看的时候,你才会发现这些点点滴滴之间的联系。所以,你要坚信,你现在所经历的将在你未来的生命中串联起来。你不得不相信某些东西,你的直觉、命运、生活、因缘际会…… 正是这种信仰让我不会失去希望,它让我的人生变得与众不同。

my second story is about love and loss.

第二个故事 关于爱与失去

i was lucky — i found what i loved to do early in life. woz and i started apple in my parents garage when i was 20. we worked hard, and in 10 years apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees. we had just released our finest creation — the macintosh — a year earlier, and i had just turned 30. and then i got fired. how can you get fired from a company you started? well, as apple grew we hired someone who i thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. but then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. when we did, our board of directors sided with him. so at 30 i was out. and very publicly out. what had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.


我是幸运的,在年轻的时候就知道了自己爱做什么。在我20 岁的时候,就和沃兹在我父母的车库里开创了苹果电脑公司。我们勤奋工作,只用了10 年的时间,苹果电脑就从车库里的两个小伙子扩展成拥有4000 名员工,价值达到20 亿美元的企业。而在此之前的一年,我们刚推出了我们最好的产品macintosh 电脑,当时我刚过而立之年。然后,我就被炒了鱿鱼。一个人怎么可以被他所创立的公司解雇呢?(笑声)这么说吧,随着苹果的成长,我们请了一个原本以为很能干的家伙和我一起管理这家公司,在头一年左右,他干得还不错,但后来,我们对公司未来的前景出现了分歧,于是我们之间出现了矛盾。由于公司的董事会站在他那一边,所以在我30 岁的时候,就被踢出了局。我失去了一直贯穿在我整个成年生活的重心,打击是毁灭性的。

i really didn"t know what to do for a few months. i felt that i had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down - that i had dropped the baton as it was being passed to me. i met with david packard and bob noyce and tried to apologize for screwing up so badly. i was a very public failure, and i even thought about running away from the valley. but something slowly began to dawn on me — i still loved what i did. the turn of events at apple had not changed that one bit. i had been rejected, but i was still in love. and so i decided to start over.

在头几个月,我真不知道要做些什么。我觉得我让企业界的前辈们失望了,我失去了传到我手上的指挥棒。我遇到了戴维. 帕卡德(普惠的创办人之一)和鲍勃. 诺伊斯(英特尔的创办人之一),我向他们道歉,因为我把事情搞砸了。我成了人人皆知的失败者,我甚至想过逃离硅谷。但曙光渐渐出现,我还是喜欢我做过的事情。在苹果电脑发生的一切丝毫没有改变我,一个比特都没有。虽然被抛弃了,但我的热忱不改。我决定重新开始。

i didn"t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. the heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. it freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.

during the ne_t five years, i started a company named ne_t, another company named pi_ar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. pi_ar went on to create the worlds first computer animated feature film, toy story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. in a remarkable turn of events, apple bought ne_t, i returned to apple, and the technology we developed at ne_t is at the heart of apple"s current renaissance. and laurene and i have a wonderful family together.


在接下来的5 年里,我开创了一家叫做ne_t 的公司,接着是一家名叫pi_ar 的公司,并且结识了后来成为我妻子的曼妙女郎。pi_ar 制作了世界上第一部全电脑动画电影《玩具总动员》,现在这家公司是世界上最成功的动画制作公司之一。(掌声)后来经历一系列的事件,苹果买下了ne_t ,于是我又回到了苹果,我们在ne_t 研发出的技术成为推动苹果复兴的核心动力。我和劳伦斯也拥有了美满的家庭。

i"m pretty sure none of this would have happened if i hadn"t been fired from apple. it was awful tasting medicine, but i guess the patient needed it.

sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. don"t lose faith. i"m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that i loved what i did. you"ve got to find what you love. and that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. if you haven"t found it yet, keep looking. don"t settle. as with all matters of the heart, you"ll know when you find it. and, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. so keep looking until you find it. don"t settle.



my third story is about death.

第三个故事 关于死亡

when i was 17, i read a quote that went something like: "if you live each day as if it was your last, someday you"ll most certainly be right." it made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, i have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "if today were the last day of my life, would i want to do what i am about to do today?" and whenever the answer has been "no" for too many days in a row, i know i need to change something.

在17 岁的时候,我读过一句格言,好像是:“ 如果你把每一天都当成你生命里的最后一天,你将在某一天发现原来一切皆在掌握之中。” (笑声)这句话从我读到之日起,就对我产生了深远的影响。在过去的33 年里,我每天早晨都对着镜子问自己:“ 如果今天是我生命中的末日,我还愿意做我今天本来应该做的事情吗?” 当一连好多天答案都否定的时候,我就知道做出改变的时候到了。

remembering that i"ll be dead soon is the most important tool i"ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. because almost everything — all e_ternal e_pectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. remembering that you are going to die is the best way i know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. you are already naked. there is no reason not to follow your heart.



about a year ago i was diagnosed with cancer. i had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. i didn"t even know what a pancreas was. the doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that i should e_pect to live no longer than three to si_ months. my doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor"s code for prepare to die. it means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you"d have the ne_t 10 years to tell them in just a few months. it means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. it means to say your goodbyes.

大约一年前,我被诊断出癌症。在早晨7 :30 我做了一个检查,扫描结果清楚地显示我的胰脏出现了一个肿瘤。我当时甚至不知道胰脏究竟是什么。医生告诉我,几乎可以确定这是一种不治之症,顶多还能活3至6个月。大夫建议我回家,把诸事安排妥当,这是医生对临终病人的标准用语。这意味着你得把你今后10 年要对你的子女说的话用几个月的时间说完;这意味着你得把一切都安排妥当,尽可能减少你的家人在你身后的负担;这意味着向众人告别的时间到了。

i lived with that diagnosis all day. later that evening i had a biopsy, where they stuck anendoscope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. i was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. i had the surgery and i"m fine now.


this was the closest i"ve been to facing death, and i hope its the closest i get for a few more decades. having lived through it, i can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept:

no one wants to die. even people who want to go to heaven don"t want to die to get there. and yet death is the destination we all share. no one has ever escaped it. and that is as it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. it is life"s change agent. it clears out the old to make way for the new. right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.


your time is limited, so don"t waste it living someone else"s life. don"t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people"s thinking. don"t let the noise of others" opinions drown out your own inner voice. and most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. they somehow already know what you truly want to become. everything else is secondary.


when i was young, there was an amazing publication called the whole earth catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. it was created by a fellow named stewart brand not far from here in menlo park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. this was in the late 1960"s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. it was sort of like google in paperback form, 35 years before google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.

在我年轻的时候,有一本非常棒的杂志叫《全球目录》(the whole earth catalog),它被我们那一代人奉为圭臬。这本杂志的创办人是一个叫斯图尔特. 布兰德的家伙,他住在menlo park,距离这儿不远。他把这本杂志办得充满诗意。那是在60 年代末期,个人电脑、桌面发排系统还没有出现,所以出版工具只有打字机、剪刀和宝丽来相机。这本杂志有点像印在纸上的google ,但那是在google 出现的35 年前;它充满了理想色彩,内容都是些非常好用的工具和了不起的见解。

stewart and his team put out several issues of the whole earth catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. it was the mid-1970s, and i was your age. on the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. beneath it were the words: "stay hungry. stay foolish." it was their farewell message as they signed off. stay hungry. stay foolish. and i have always wished that for myself. and now, as you graduate to begin anew, i wish that for you.

图尔特和他的团队做了几期《全球目录》,快无疾而终的时候,他们出版了最后一期。那是在70 年代中期,我当时处在你们现在的年龄。在最后一期的封底有一张清晨乡间公路的照片,如果你喜欢搭车冒险旅行的话,经常会碰到的那种小路。在照片下面有一排字:物有所不足,智有所不明(stay hungry ,stay foolish. 求知若饥,虚心若愚)这是他们停刊的告别留言。物有所不足,智有所不明—— 我总是以此自省。现在,在你们毕业开始新生活的时候,我把这句话送给你们。

stay hungry. stay foolish.

thank you all very much






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