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发布时间:2024-05-19 07:00:06 查看人数:50


竞选总统演讲稿 模板1


four years ago as i had the privilege to travel all across the country and meet americans from all walks of life. i decided nobody else should have to endure the heartbreak of a broken health care system. no one in the wealthiest nation on earth should go because they get sick. nobody should have to tell their daughters or sons the decisions they can and cannot make for themselves are constrained because of some politicians in washington.


and thanks to you, we’ve made a difference in people’s lives. thanks to you. there are folks that i meet today who have gotten care and their cancer’s been caught. and they’ve got treatment. and they are living full lives and it happened because of you.


we"ve come too far to turn back now. we"ve got too much work to do to implement health care. we"ve got too much work to do to create good jobs. we"ve got too many teachers that we"ve got to hire. we"ve got too many schools that we"ve got to rebuild. we"ve got too many students who still need affordable higher education.


there"s more homegrown energy to generate. there are more troops that we"ve got to bring home. there are more doors of opportunity we"ve got to open to anybody who is willing to work hard and walk through those doors. we"ve got to keep building an economy. or no matter what you look like or where you come from, you can make it here if you try. and you can leave something behind for the ne_t generation. that"s what at stake right now in colorado. that"s why i"m running for president of the united states of america. that"s why i"m asking for your vote.


i still believe in you. and if you still believe in me, and if you"re willing to stand with me, and knock on some doors with me, and make some phone calls with me, and talk to your neighbors and friends about what"s at stake, we will win this election. we will finish what we started. and we"ll remind the world why america is the greatest nation on earth.


god bless you and god bless the united states of america.


竞选总统演讲稿 模板2


thank you! oh, thank you all! thank you so very, very much.

it is wonderful to be here with all of you.

to be in new york with my family, with so many friends, including many new yorkers who gaveme the honor of serving them in the senate for eight years.

to be right across the water from the headquarters of the united nations, where i representedour country many times.

to be here in this beautiful park dedicated to franklin roosevelt"s enduring vision of america,the nation we want to be.

and in a place…with absolutely no ceilings.

you know, president roosevelt"s four freedoms are a testament to our nation"s unmatchedaspirations and a reminder of our unfinished work at home and abroad. his legacy lifted up anation and inspired presidents who followed. one is the man i served as secretary of state,barack obama, and another is my husband, bill clinton.

two democrats guided by – oh, that will make him so happy. they were and are twodemocrats guided by the fundamental american belief that real and lasting prosperity mustbe built by all and shared by all.

president roosevelt called on every american to do his or her part, and every americananswered. he said there"s no mystery about what it takes to build a strong and prosperousamerica: "equality of opportunity…jobs for those who can work…security for those who needit…the ending of special privilege for the few…the preservation of civil liberties for all…awider and constantly rising standard of living."

that still sounds good to me.

it"s america"s basic bargain. if you do your part, you ought to be able to get ahead. and wheneverybody does their part, america gets ahead too.

that bargain inspired generations of families, including my own.

it"s what kept my grandfather going to work in the same scranton lace mill every day for 50years.

it"s what led my father to believe that if he scrimped and saved, his small business – printingdrapery fabric in chicago – could provide us with a middle-class life. and it did.

when president clinton honored the bargain, we had the longest peacetime e_pansion inhistory, a balanced budget, and for the first time in decades we all grew together, with thebottom 20 percent of workers increasing their incomes by the same percentage as the top 5percent.

when president obama honored the bargain, we pulled back from the brink of depression,saved the auto industry, provided health care to 16 million working people, and replaced thejobs we lost faster than the historical average after a financial crash.

but, it"s not 1941, or 1993, or even 2024. we face new challenges in our economy and ourdemocracy.

we"re still working our way back from a crisis that happened because time-tested values werereplaced by false promises.

instead of an economy built by every american, for every american, we were told that if we letthose at the top pay lower ta_es and bend the rules, their success would trickle down toeveryone else.

what happened?

well, instead of a balanced budget with surpluses that could have eventually paid off ournational debt, the republicans twice cut ta_es for the wealthiest, borrowed money from othercountries to pay for two wars, and family incomes dropped. you know where we ended up.

e_cept it wasn"t the end.

as we have since our founding, americans made a new beginning.

you worked e_tra shifts, took second jobs, postponed home repairs…you figured out how tomake it work. and now people are beginning to think about their future again – going tocollege, starting a business, buying a house, finally being able to put away something forretirement.

so we"re standing again. but, we all know we"re not yet running the way america should.

you see corporations making record profits, with ceos making record pay, but your paycheckshave barely budged.

while many of you are working multiple jobs to make ends meet, you see the top 25 hedgefund managers making more than all of america"s kindergarten teachers combined. and, oftenpaying a lower ta_ rate.

so, you have to wonder: "when does my hard work pay off? when does my family get ahead?"


i say now.

prosperity can"t be just for ceos and hedge fund managers.

democracy can"t be just for billionaires and corporations.

prosperity and democracy are part of your basic bargain too.

you brought our country back.

now it"s time – your time to secure the gains and move ahead.

and, you know what?

america can"t succeed unless you succeed.

that is why i am running for president of the united states.

here…here, on roosevelt island, i believe we have a continuing rendezvous with destiny. eachamerican and the country we cherish.

i"m running to make our economy work for you and for every american.

for the successful and the struggling.

for the innovators and inventors.

for those breaking barriers in technology and discovering cures for diseases.

for the factory workers and food servers who stand on their feet all day.

for the nurses who work the night shift.

for the truckers who drive for hours and the farmers who feed us.

for the veterans who served our country.

for the small business owners who took a risk.

for everyone who"s ever been knocked down, but refused to be knocked out.

i"m not running for some americans, but for all americans.

our country"s challenges didn"t begin with the great recession and they won"t end with therecovery.

for decades, americans have been buffeted by powerful currents.

advances in technology and the rise of global trade have created whole new areas of economicactivity and opened new markets for our e_ports, but they have also displaced jobs andundercut wages for millions of americans.

the financial industry and many multi-national corporations have created huge wealth for a fewby focusing too much on short-term profit and too little on long-term value…too much oncomple_ trading schemes and stock buybacks, too little on investments in new businesses,jobs, and fair compensation.

our political system is so paralyzed by gridlock and dysfunction that most americans have lostconfidence that anything can actually get done. and they"ve lost trust in the ability of bothgovernment and big business to change course.

now, we can blame historic forces beyond our control for some of this, but the choices we"vemade as a nation, leaders and citizens alike, have also played a big role.

our ne_t president must work with congress and every other willing partner across our entirecountry. and i will do just that – to turn the tide so these currents start working for us morethan against us.

at our best, that"s what americans do. we"re problem solvers, not deniers. we don"t hide fromchange, we harness it.

but we can"t do that if we go back to the top-down economic policies that failed us before.

americans have come too far to see our progress ripped away.

now, there may be some new voices in the presidential republican choir, but they"re all singingthe same old song…

a song called "yesterday."

you know the one – all our troubles look as though they"re here to stay…and we need a place tohide away…they believe in yesterday.

and you"re lucky i didn"t try singing that, too, i"ll tell you!

these republicans trip over themselves promising lower ta_es for the wealthy and fewer rulesfor the biggest corporations without regard for how that will make income inequality evenworse.

we"ve heard this tune before. and we know how it turns out.

ask many of these candidates about climate change, one of the defining threats of our time,and they"ll say: "i"m not a scientist." well, then, why don"t they start listening to those whoare?

they pledge to wipe out tough rules on wall street, rather than rein in the banks that are stilltoo risky, courting future failures. in a case that can only be considered mass amnesia.

they want to take away health insurance from more than 16 million americans without anycredible alternative.

they shame and blame women, rather than respect our right to make our own reproductivehealth decisions.

they want to put immigrants, who work hard and pay ta_es, at risk of deportation.

and they turn their backs on gay people who love each other.

fundamentally, they reject what it takes to build an inclusive economy. it takes an inclusivesociety. what i once called "a village" that has a place for everyone.

now, my values and a lifetime of e_periences have given me a different vision for america.

i believe that success isn"t measured by how much the wealthiest americans have, but by howmany children climb out of poverty…

how many start-ups and small businesses open and thrive…

how many young people go to college without drowning in debt…

how many people find a good job…

how many families get ahead and stay ahead.

i didn"t learn this from politics. i learned it from my own family.

my mother taught me that everybody needs a chance and a champion. she knew what it waslike not to have either one.

her own parents abandoned her, and by 14 she was out on her own, working as a housemaid.years later, when i was old enough to understand, i asked what kept her going.

you know what her answer was? something very simple: kindness from someone who believedshe mattered.

the first grade teacher who saw she had nothing to eat at lunch and, without embarrassing her,brought e_tra food to share.

the woman whose house she cleaned letting her go to high school so long as her work got done.that was a bargain she leapt to accept.

and, because some people believed in her, she believed in me.

that"s why i believe with all my heart in america and in the potential of every american.

to meet every challenge.

to be resilient…no matter what the world throws at you.

to solve the toughest problems.

i believe we can do all these things because i"ve seen it happen.

as a young girl, i signed up at my methodist church to babysit the children of me_icanfarmworkers, while their parents worked in the fields on the weekends. and later, as a lawstudent, i advocated for congress to require better working and living conditions for farmworkers whose children deserved better opportunities.

my first job out of law school was for the children"s defense fund. i walked door-to-door to findout how many children with disabilities couldn"t go to school, and to help build the case for alaw guaranteeing them access to education.

as a leader of the legal services corporation, i defended the right of poor people to have alawyer. and i saw lives changed because an abusive marriage ended or an illegal evictionstopped.

in arkansas, i supervised law students who represented clients in courts and prisons,organized scholarships for single parents going to college, led efforts for better schools andhealth care, and personally knew the people whose lives were improved.

as senator, i had the honor of representing brave firefighters, police officers, emts,construction workers, and volunteers who ran toward danger on 9/11 and stayed there,becoming sick themselves.

it took years of effort, but congress finally approved the health care they needed.

there are so many faces and stories that i carry with me of people who gave their best and thenneeded help themselves.

just weeks ago, i met another person like that, a single mom juggling a job and classes atcommunity college while raising three kids.

she doesn"t e_pect anything to come easy. but she did ask me: what more can be done so itisn"t quite so hard for families like hers?

i want to be her champion and your champion.

if you"ll give me the chance, i"ll wage and win four fights for you.

the first is to make the economy work for everyday americans, not just those at the top.

to make the middle class mean something again, with rising incomes and broader horizons.and to give the poor a chance to work their way into it.

the middle class needs more growth and more fairness. growth and fairness go together. forlasting prosperity, you can"t have one without the other.

is this possible in today"s world?

i believe it is or i wouldn"t be standing here.

do i think it will be easy? of course not.

but, here"s the good news: there are allies for change everywhere who know we can"t stand bywhile inequality increases, wages stagnate, and the promise of america dims. we shouldwelcome the support of all americans who want to go forward together with us.

there are public officials who know americans need a better deal.

business leaders who want higher pay for employees, equal pay for women and nodiscrimination against the lgbt community either.

there are leaders of finance who want less short-term trading and more long-term investing.

they want to put immigrants, who work hard and pay ta_es, at risk of deportation.

and they turn their backs on gay people who love each other.

fundamentally, they reject what it takes to build an inclusive economy. it takes an inclusivesociety. what i once called "a village" that has a place for everyone.

now, my values and a lifetime of e_periences have given me a different vision for america.

i believe that success isn"t measured by how much the wealthiest americans have, but by howmany children climb out of poverty…

how many start-ups and small businesses open and thrive…

how many young people go to college without drowning in debt…

how many people find a good job…

how many families get ahead and stay ahead.

i didn"t learn this from politics. i learned it from my own family.

my mother taught me that everybody needs a chance and a champion. she knew what it waslike not to have either one.

her own parents abandoned her, and by 14 she was out on her own, working as a housemaid.years later, when i was old enough to understand, i asked what kept her going.

you know what her answer was? something very simple: kindness from someone who believedshe mattered.

the first grade teacher who saw she had nothing to eat at lunch and, without embarrassing her,brought e_tra food to share.

the woman whose house she cleaned letting her go to high school so long as her work got done.that was a bargain she leapt to accept.

and, because some people believed in her, she believed in me.

that"s why i believe with all my heart in america and in the potential of every american.

to meet every challenge.

to be resilient…no matter what the world throws at you.

to solve the toughest problems.

i believe we can do all these things because i"ve seen it happen.

as a young girl, i signed up at my methodist church to babysit the children of me_icanfarmworkers, while their parents worked in the fields on the weekends. and later, as a lawstudent, i advocated for congress to require better working and living conditions for farmworkers whose children deserved better opportunities.

my first job out of law school was for the children"s defense fund. i walked door-to-door to findout how many children with disabilities couldn"t go to school, and to help build the case for alaw guaranteeing them access to education.

as a leader of the legal services corporation, i defended the right of poor people to have alawyer. and i saw lives changed because an abusive marriage ended or an illegal evictionstopped.

in arkansas, i supervised law students who represented clients in courts and prisons,organized scholarships for single parents going to college, led efforts for better schools andhealth care, and personally knew the people whose lives were improved.

as senator, i had the honor of representing brave firefighters, police officers, emts,construction workers, and volunteers who ran toward danger on 9/11 and stayed there,becoming sick themselves.

it took years of effort, but congress finally approved the health care they needed.

there are so many faces and stories that i carry with me of people who gave their best and thenneeded help themselves.

just weeks ago, i met another person like that, a single mom juggling a job and classes atcommunity college while raising three kids.

she doesn"t e_pect anything to come easy. but she did ask me: what more can be done so itisn"t quite so hard for families like hers?

i want to be her champion and your champion.

if you"ll give me the chance, i"ll wage and win four fights for you.

the first is to make the economy work for everyday americans, not just those at the top.

to make the middle class mean something again, with rising incomes and broader horizons.and to give the poor a chance to work their way into it.

the middle class needs more growth and more fairness. growth and fairness go together. forlasting prosperity, you can"t have one without the other.

is this possible in today"s world?

i believe it is or i wouldn"t be standing here.

do i think it will be easy? of course not.

but, here"s the good news: there are allies for change everywhere who know we can"t stand bywhile inequality increases, wages stagnate, and the promise of america dims. we shouldwelcome the support of all americans who want to go forward together with us.

there are public officials who know americans need a better deal.

business leaders who want higher pay for employees, equal pay for women and nodiscrimination against the lgbt community either.

there are leaders of finance who want less short-term trading and more long-term investing.

they want to put immigrants, who work hard and pay ta_es, at risk of deportation.

and they turn their backs on gay people who love each other.

fundamentally, they reject what it takes to build an inclusive economy. it takes an inclusivesociety. what i once called "a village" that has a place for everyone.

now, my values and a lifetime of e_periences have given me a different vision for america.

i believe that success isn"t measured by how much the wealthiest americans have, but by howmany children climb out of poverty…

how many start-ups and small businesses open and thrive…

how many young people go to college without drowning in debt…

how many people find a good job…

how many families get ahead and stay ahead.

i didn"t learn this from politics. i learned it from my own family.

my mother taught me that everybody needs a chance and a champion. she knew what it waslike not to have either one.

her own parents abandoned her, and by 14 she was out on her own, working as a housemaid.years later, when i was old enough to understand, i asked what kept her going.

you know what her answer was? something very simple: kindness from someone who believedshe mattered.

the first grade teacher who saw she had nothing to eat at lunch and, without embarrassing her,brought e_tra food to share.

the woman whose house she cleaned letting her go to high school so long as her work got done.that was a bargain she leapt to accept.

and, because some people believed in her, she believed in me.

that"s why i believe with all my heart in america and in the potential of every american.

to meet every challenge.

to be resilient…no matter what the world throws at you.

to solve the toughest problems.

i believe we can do all these things because i"ve seen it happen.

as a young girl, i signed up at my methodist church to babysit the children of me_icanfarmworkers, while their parents worked in the fields on the weekends. and later, as a lawstudent, i advocated for congress to require better working and living conditions for farmworkers whose children deserved better opportunities.

my first job out of law school was for the children"s defense fund. i walked door-to-door to findout how many children with disabilities couldn"t go to school, and to help build the case for alaw guaranteeing them access to education.

as a leader of the legal services corporation, i defended the right of poor people to have alawyer. and i saw lives changed because an abusive marriage ended or an illegal evictionstopped.

in arkansas, i supervised law students who represented clients in courts and prisons,organized scholarships for single parents going to college, led efforts for better schools andhealth care, and personally knew the people whose lives were improved.

as senator, i had the honor of representing brave firefighters, police officers, emts,construction workers, and volunteers who ran toward danger on 9/11 and stayed there,becoming sick themselves.

it took years of effort, but congress finally approved the health care they needed.

there are so many faces and stories that i carry with me of people who gave their best and thenneeded help themselves.

just weeks ago, i met another person like that, a single mom juggling a job and classes atcommunity college while raising three kids.

she doesn"t e_pect anything to come easy. but she did ask me: what more can be done so itisn"t quite so hard for families like hers?

i want to be her champion and your champion.

if you"ll give me the chance, i"ll wage and win four fights for you.

the first is to make the economy work for everyday americans, not just those at the top.

to make the middle class mean something again, with rising incomes and broader horizons.and to give the poor a chance to work their way into it.

the middle class needs more growth and more fairness. growth and fairness go together. forlasting prosperity, you can"t have one without the other.

is this possible in today"s world?

i believe it is or i wouldn"t be standing here.

do i think it will be easy? of course not.

but, here"s the good news: there are allies for change everywhere who know we can"t stand bywhile inequality increases, wages stagnate, and the promise of america dims. we shouldwelcome the support of all americans who want to go forward together with us.

there are public officials who know americans need a better deal.

business leaders who want higher pay for employees, equal pay for women and nodiscrimination against the lgbt community either.

there are leaders of finance who want less short-term trading and more long-term investing.

i want to make it easier for every citizen to vote. that"s why i"ve proposed universal,automatic registration and e_panded early voting.

i"ll fight back against republican efforts to disempower and disenfranchise young people, poorpeople, people with disabilities, and people of color.

what part of democracy are they afraid of?

no matter how easy we make it to vote, we still have to give americans something worthvoting for.

government is never going to have all the answers – but it has to be smarter, simpler, moreefficient, and a better partner.

that means access to advanced technology so government agencies can more effectivelyserve their customers, the american people.

we need e_pertise and innovation from the private sector to help cut waste and streamlineservices.

there"s so much that works in america. for every problem we face, someone somewhere inamerica is solving it. silicon valley cracked the code on sharing and scaling a while ago. manystates are pioneering new ways to deliver services. i want to help washington catch up.

to do that, we need a political system that produces results by solving problems that hold usback, not one overwhelmed by e_treme partisanship and infle_ibility.

now, i"ll always seek common ground with friend and opponent alike. but i"ll also stand myground when i must.

that"s something i did as senator and secretary of state – whether it was working withrepublicans to e_pand health care for children and for our national guard, or improve ourfoster care and adoption system, or pass a treaty to reduce the number of russian nuclearwarheads that could threaten our cities – and it"s something i will always do as your president.

we americans may differ, bicker, stumble, and fall; but we are at our best when we pick eachother up, when we have each other"s back.

like any family, our american family is strongest when we cherish what we have in common,and fight back against those who would drive us apart.

people all over the world have asked me: "how could you and president obama work togetherafter you fought so hard against each other in that long campaign?"

now, that is an understandable question considering that in many places, if you lose anelection you could get imprisoned or e_iled – even killed – not hired as secretary of state.

but president obama asked me to serve, and i accepted because we both love our country.that"s how we do it in america.

with that same spirit, together, we can win these four fights.

we can build an economy where hard work is rewarded.

we can strengthen our families.

we can defend our country and increase our opportunities all over the world.

and we can renew the promise of our democracy.

if we all do our part. in our families, in our businesses, unions, houses of worship, schools,and, yes, in the voting booth.

i want you to join me in this effort. help me build this campaign and make it your own.

talk to your friends, your family, your neighbors.

te_t "join" j-o-i-n to 4-7-2-4-6.

go to hillaryclinton.com and sign up to make calls and knock on doors.

it"s no secret that we"re going up against some pretty powerful forces that will do and spendwhatever it takes to advance a very different vision for america. but i"ve spent my life fightingfor children, families, and our country. and i"m not stopping now.

you know, i know how hard this job is. i"ve seen it up close and personal.

all our presidents come into office looking so vigorous. and then we watch their hair growgrayer and grayer.

well, i may not be the youngest candidate in this race. but i will be the youngest womanpresident in the history of the united states!

and the first grandmother as well.

and one additional advantage: you"re won"t see my hair turn white in the white house. i"vebeen coloring it for years!

so, i"m looking forward to a great debate among democrats, republicans, and independents.i"m not running to be a president only for those americans who already agree with me. i wantto be a president for all americans.

and along the way, i"ll just let you in on this little secret. i won"t get everything right. lordknows i"ve made my share of mistakes. well, there"s no shortage of people pointing them out!

and i certainly haven"t won every battle i"ve fought. but leadership means perseverance andhard choices. you have to push through the setbacks and disappointments and keep at it.

i think you know by now that i"ve been called many things by many people – "quitter" is notone of them.

like so much else in my life, i got this from my mother.

when i was a girl, she never let me back down from any bully or barrier. in her later years,mom lived with us, and she was still teaching me the same lessons. i"d come home from a hardday at the senate or the state department, sit down with her at the small table in ourbreakfast nook, and just let everything pour out. and she would remind me why we keepfighting, even when the odds are long and the opposition is fierce.

i can still hear her saying: "life"s not about what happens to you, it"s about what you do withwhat happens to you – so get back out there."

she lived to be 92 years old, and i often think about all the battles she witnessed over thecourse of the last century – all the progress that was won because americans refused to give upor back down.

she was born on june 4, 1919 – before women in america had the right to vote. but on thatvery day, after years of struggle, congress passed the constitutional amendment that wouldchange that forever.

the story of america is a story of hard-fought, hard-won progress. and it continues today. newchapters are being written by men and women who believe that all of us – not just some, butall – should have the chance to live up to our god-given potential.

not only because we"re a tolerant country, or a generous country, or a compassionatecountry, but because we"re a better, stronger, more prosperous country when we harness thetalent, hard work, and ingenuity of every single american.

i wish my mother could have been with us longer. i wish she could have seen chelsea become amother herself. i wish she could have met charlotte.

i wish she could have seen the america we"re going to build together.

an america, where if you do your part, you reap the rewards.

where we don"t leave anyone out, or anyone behind.

an america where a father can tell his daughter: yes, you can be anything you want to be. evenpresident of the united states.

thank you all. god bless you. and may god bless america.

竞选总统演讲稿 模板3


if there is anyone out there who still doubts that america is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

it"s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference.

it"s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, democrat and republican, black, white, latino, asian, native american, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled - americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of red states and blue states: we are, and always will be, the united states of america.

it"s the answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful of what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.

it"s been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to america.

i just received a very gracious call from senator mccain. he fought long and hard in this campaign, and he"s fought even longer and harder for the country he loves. he has endured sacrifices for america that most of us cannot begin to imagine, and we are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader. i congratulate him and governor palin for all they have achieved, and i look forward to working with them to renew this nation"s promise in the months ahead.

i want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of scranton and rode with on that train home to delaware, the vice president-elect of the united states, joe biden.

i would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last si_teen years, the rock of our family and the love of my life, our nation"s ne_t first lady, michelle obama. sasha and malia, i love you both so much, and you have earned the new puppy that"s coming with us to the white house. and while she"s no longer with us, i know my grandmother is watching, along with the family that made me who i am. i miss them tonight, and know that my debt to them is beyond measure.

to my campaign manager david plouffe, my chief strategist david a_elrod, and the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics - you made this happen, and i am forever grateful for what you"ve sacrificed to get it done. but above all, i will never forget who this victory truly belongs to - it belongs to you.

i was never the likeliest candidate for this office. we didn"t start with much money or many endorsements. our campaign was not hatched in the halls of washington - it began in the backyards of des moines and the living rooms of concord and the front porches of charleston.

it was built by working men and women who dug into what little savings they had to give five dollars and ten dollars and twenty dollars to this cause. it grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation"s apathy; who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep; from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on the doors of perfect strangers; from the millions of americans who volunteered, and organized, and proved that more than two centuries later, a government of the people, by the people and for the people has not perished from this earth. this is your victory.

i know you didn"t do this just to win an election and i know you didn"t do it for me. you did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead. for even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime - two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century. even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave americans waking up in the deserts of iraq and the mountains of afghanistan to risk their lives for us. there are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after their children fall asleep and wonder how they"ll make the mortgage, or pay their doctor"s bills, or save enough for college. there is new energy to harness and new jobs to be created; new schools to build and threats to meet and alliances to repair.

the road ahead will be long. our climb will be steep. we may not get there in one year or even one term, but america - i have never been more hopeful than i am tonight that we will get there. i promise you - we as a people will get there.

there will be setbacks and false starts. there are many who won"t agree with every decision or policy i make as president, and we know that government can"t solve every problem. but i will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. i will listen to you, especially when we disagree. and above all, i will ask you join in the work of remaking this nation the only way it"s been done in america for two-hundred and twenty-one years - block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand. what began twenty-one months ago in the depths of winter must not end on this autumn night. this victory alone is not the change we seek - it is only the chance for us to make that change. and that cannot happen if we go back to the way things were. it cannot happen without you.

so let us summon a new spirit of patriotism; of service and responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves, but each other. let us remember that if this financial crisis taught us anything, it"s that we cannot have a thriving wall street while main street suffers - in this country, we rise or fall as one nation; as one people.

let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long. let us remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the republican party to the white house - a party founded on the values of self-reliance, individual liberty, and national unity. those are values we all share, and while the democratic party has won a great victory tonight, we do so with a measure of humility and determination to heal the divides that have held back our progress. as lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, “we are not enemies, but friends…though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection.” and to those americans whose support i have yet to earn - i may not have won your vote, but i hear your voices, i need your help, and i will be your president too.

and to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of our world - our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of american leadership is at hand. to those who would tear this world down - we will defeat you. to those who seek peace and security - we support you. and to all those who have wondered if america"s beacon still burns as bright - tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from our the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity, and unyielding hope.

for that is the true genius of america - that america can change. our union can be perfected. and what we have already achieved gives us hope for what we can and must achieve tomorrow.

this election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. but one that"s on my mind tonight is about a woman who cast her ballot in atlanta. she"s a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election e_cept for one thing - ann ni_on cooper is 106 years old. she was born just a generation past slavery; a time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky; when someone like her couldn"t vote for two reasons - because she was a woman and because of the color of her skin.

and tonight, i think about all that she"s seen throughout her century in america - the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progress; the times we were told that we can"t, and the people who pressed on with that american creed: yes we can.

at a time when women"s voices were silenced and their hopes dismissed, she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot. yes we can.

when there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a new deal, new jobs and a new sense of common purpose. yes we can.

when the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness and a democracy was saved. yes we can.

she was there for the buses in montgomery, the hoses in birmingham, a bridge in selma, and a preacher from atlanta who told a people that “we shall overcome.” yes we can.

a man touched down on the moon, a wall came down in berlin, a world was connected by our own science and imagination. and this year, in this election, she touched her finger to a screen, and cast her vote, because after 106 years in america, through the best of times and the darkest of hours, she knows how america can change. yes we can.

america, we have come so far. we have seen so much. but there is so much more to do. so tonight, let us ask ourselves - if our children should live to see the ne_t century; if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as ann ni_on cooper, what change will they see? what progress will we have made?

this is our chance to answer that call. this is our moment. this is our time - to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the american dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth - that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we can"t, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people:

yes we can. thank you, god bless you, and may god bless the united states of america.

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fellow-citizens of the senate and of the house of representatives:

among the vicissitudes incident to life no event could have filled me with greater an_ieties than that of which the notification was transmitted by your order, and received on the 14th day of the present month. on the one hand, i was summoned by my country, whose voice i can never hear but with veneration and love, from a retreat which i had chosen with the fondest predilection, and, in my flattering hopes, with an immutable decision, as the asylum of my declining years--a retreat which was rendered every day more necessary as well as more dear to me by the addition of habit to inclination, and of frequent interruptions in my health to the gradual waste committed on it by time. on the other hand, the magnitude and difficulty of the trust to which the voice of my country called me, being sufficient to awaken in the wisest and most e_perienced of her citizens a distrustful scrutiny into his qualifications, could not but overwhelm with despondence one who (inheriting inferior endowments from nature and unpracticed in the duties of civil administration) ought to be peculiarly conscious of his own deficiencies. in this conflict of emotions all i dare aver is that it has been my faithful study to collect my duty from a just appreciation of every circumstance by which it might be affected. all i dare hope is that if, in e_ecuting this task, i have been too much swayed by a grateful remembrance of former instances, or by an affectionate sensibility to this transcendent proof of the confidence of my fellow-citizens, and have thence too little consulted my incapacity as well as disinclination for the weighty and untried cares before me, my error will be palliated by the motives which mislead me, and its consequences be judged by my country with some share of the partiality in which they originated.

such being the impressions under which i have, in obedience to the public summons, repaired to the present station, it would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official act my fervent supplications to that almighty being who rules over the universe, who presides in the councils of nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that his benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the united states a government instituted by themselves for these essential purposes, and may enable every instrument employed in its administration to e_ecute with success the functions allotted to his charge. in tendering this homage to the great author of every public and private good, i assure myself that it e_presses your sentiments not less than my own, nor those of my fellow- citizens at large less than either. no people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the united states. every step by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency; and in the important revolution just accomplished in the system of their united government the tranquil deliberations and voluntary consent of so many distinct communities from which the event has resulted can not be compared with the means by which most governments have been established without some return of pious gratitude, along with an humble anticipation of the future blessings which the past seem to presage. these reflections, arising out of the present crisis, have forced themselves too strongly on my mind to be suppressed. you will join with me, i trust, in thinking that there are none under the influence of which the proceedings of a new and free government can more ausp.9136.com/1dmence.


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据《华盛顿邮报》7日报道,美国一些法律专家近日指出,2004 年美国总统大选的参选人、北约欧洲盟军前最高司令克拉克9月23日在印地安那州德波大学发表有偿演讲时,大谈特谈自己的总统竞选经,其行为触犯了美国联邦选举法,总统竞选演讲。


克拉克今年9月17日正式宣布他将参加2004 年美国总统竞选,以___党人的身份角逐党内总统候选人提名。这位曾经身经百战的老将军在美国总统大选这场没有枪炮声、但同样是你死我活的激战中却完全是个新手。最近,他在印地安那州的几所大学里发表收费演讲时,忍不住"老王卖瓜",自夸了一番自己的总统候选人资格,结果被选举法专家们抓住了小辫子。专家们指出,根据有关竞选资金管理的联邦法律,总统候选人不能用公司、工会组织、个人甚至学校提供的资金从事与竞选有关的活动。联邦选举委员会认为,出钱让一名候选人从事与竞选相关的活动等同于向这名候选人提供财政支持。












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    毫无疑问,按照制订这一条款的人的意图,此项规定实际指的就是,对我们所说的逃亡奴隶有权索回而法律制订人的这一意图实际已成为法律。国会的所有议员都曾宣誓遵守宪法 ...[更多]