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发布时间:2024-05-16 07:00:02 来源:1566作文网 作者:王明乾

i love rainy days, for they bring with them a sense of peace and calmness that i can't find anywhere else. the pitter-patter of raindrops on the roof, like tiny musicians playing their symphony, fills my heart with joy. it's not just the sound, but the smell too – the earthy aroma that follows after a rainfall, like nature's own perfume. it's a feeling, more than anything, that i can't quite explain in words, but it feels... cozy.

once, when i was little, i remember stepping out into the rain without an umbrella. my mother scolded me, saying i'd catch a cold, but i didn't care. there was something exhilarating about being drenched, feeling the cool drops slide down my face, making me feel alive. i remember laughing, twirling around in the puddles, and for a moment, all my worries seemed to wash away with the rain. that was the day i learned that sometimes, getting wet is better than staying dry.

however, there's also a melancholic side to rainy days. they remind me of lost friends, of times we shared under the same roof, watching the rain together. rain can be a friend, a companion in solitude, but it can also be a reminder of what's missing. the raindrops seem to whisper stories of the past, and sometimes those whispers turn into echoes that linger in my mind.

in school, our english teacher taught us how rain is a metaphor for life – it can be gentle or fierce, it can nourish or devastate, just like our experiences. but she never said how it could be both at once, how it could make you smile and cry within the same moment. i guess that's the magic of rainy days, their ability to evoke a spectrum of emotions.

the other day, i wrote a poem about rainy days, but it didn't turn out well. the words felt forced, the rhymes awkward. i realized then that poetry, like rain, isn't something you can capture; it has to come naturally, from the heart. so, i tore the pages and let the rain wash over them, letting go of my attempt to control the beauty of the moment.

rainy days are like life's little surprises, unpredictable and full of surprises. you can plan your day, but you can't predict when the rain will pour. and that's okay, because sometimes, the unexpected can be the most beautiful part.


the essay showcases a personal connection with rainy days, demonstrating a childlike wonder and a deeper, reflective sentiment. however, the transition from childhood memories to the metaphorical aspect of rain could be smoother. also, the mention of the failed poem could benefit from more elaboration.


the narrative effectively captures the emotional nuances of rainy days, blending nostalgia, joy, and melancholy. the imagery of rain as a metaphor for life adds depth.


the paragraph discussing the poem could be restructured to flow more seamlessly from the preceding reflection. instead of abruptly mentioning the poem, it could be woven into the narrative, describing how the rain inspired an attempt at poetry.


rainy days have always been my companions, their melodies harmonizing with my emotions. one such day, i found myself scribbling a poem, hoping to encapsulate the essence of rain. the words, however, felt stilted, like raindrops frozen mid-air. i realized then that poetry, much like the rain, cannot be captured; it must be felt, allowed to fall freely from the heart.



for a deeper understanding of rain as a literary device, explore "the love song of j. alfred prufrock" by t.s. eliot and "the rime of the ancient mariner" by samuel taylor coleridge. also, consider studying the works of william wordsworth, who often used nature, including rain, to explore human emotions in his poetry.


1. 水色碧沧茫,山势青周遭。壮哉杳渺峰,据此第一高。萧梁古道场,岁月湮蓬蒿。有来天师孙,远与朱叶曹。十年悉力营,万瓦一手操。连甍集紫烟,开窗俯洪涛。枸杞号千年,夜鹤鸣九皋。坐令金丹炉,安此神火熬。英英文章伯,所至秃千毫。何此

2. 白苹有嘉招,苍弁得胜践。会心不惮远,乘兴恐失便。篮舆犯穷腊,共作忍寒面。溟蒙云酿雪,浩荡风落雁。松篁渐清幽,猿鹤或悲怨。英英文章公,作舍锁葱蒨。峰俯前荣嶢,佳木秀诸院。穷搜发山骨,林立侍谈讌。西岩踞熊虎,东岩峙屏案。履綦

3. 李侯佳句似阴铿,早向茶山识赣曾。涤器宁同长卿逸,闭门不学玉川憎。平居尚忆寻君去,南庙应还访我能。诗卷当时更谁与,玄英文采被云仍。



i love rainy days, for they bring with them a sense of peace and calmness that i can't find anywhere else. the pitter-patter of raindrops on the roof, like tiny


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    i love rainy days, for they bring with them a sense of peace and calmness that i can't find anywhere else. the pitter-patter of raindrops on the roof, ...[更多]
