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发布时间:2024-05-01 10:10:02 来源:1566作文网 作者:林洋伦

my unforgettable summer vacation

last summer, i went to my grandparent's village. it was so much fun than i thought it would be. there were so many trees, and the air was so fresh, it felt like breathing in happiness. my cousin, sam, and i decided to catch butterflies. we ran around with nets, but we didn't catch any. we laughed so hard, our stomachs hurt, and that made the day perfect.

one day, we went to the river nearby. the water was cool, and it had lots of pebbles at the bottom. i wanted to swim, but sam said he couldn't swim, so i taught him. it took a while, but he finally got it. i felt like a superhero teaching someone how to swim!

at night, we'd sit outside under the stars, telling stories. i told him about the planets and the constellations, but i mixed up some facts, like saying mars was the closest planet to the sun. i guess i need to study more!

we also helped grandma in the garden. i accidentally broke a pot while watering the plants. grandma didn't get angry; she just smiled and said accidents happen. i learned that even mistakes can teach us something.









last summer, i visited my grandparents' idyllic village. the surroundings were enchanting, with lush trees and crisp air that seemed to embody joy. my cousin, sam, and i embarked on a butterfly-catching adventure, darting around with nets, yet our efforts proved futile. our laughter, echoing through the fields, turned an ordinary day into an extraordinary one.

at the nearby river, we found solace in the cool waters and the bed of pebbles beneath. eager to swim, sam admitted his inability. thus, i took on the role of a mentor, guiding him through the process. it was a patient endeavor, but seeing him finally glide through the water filled me with a sense of accomplishment.

under the starlit sky, we'd share tales. while narrating the wonders of the universe, i mistakenly claimed mars as the planet nearest to the sun. this slip-up served as a reminder that even familiar topics warrant further exploration.

in the garden, accidents were inevitable. one day, i accidentally toppled a pot while tending to the plants. grandma's understanding smile taught me that errors often hold valuable life lessons.





1. 伯鸾长啸出东都,来卜龙邱二亩居。千岁仍昆作英语,五噫文采尚周馀。胸中万卷未得力,堂下一言谁识渠。我亦微官方冷甚,恨无燕玉可相嘘。



last summer, i went to my grandparent's village. it was so much fun than i thought it would be. there were so many trees, and the air was so fresh, it felt like breathing in happiness


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