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发布时间:2024-05-17 15:45:01 来源:1566作文网 作者:齐秉熹

my new year's adventure

it was the beginning of the new year, and i was super excited! my family had planned to visit my grandma in the countryside. we woke up early, ate our breakfast in a hurry, and packed our bags with all sorts of things, like toys, books, and, oh, don't forget the snacks! i couldn't wait to see the cows and chickens again.

on the way, we stopped at a small bakery. i bought a cake shaped like a snowman, which melted in my mouth, yum! but then, something funny happened. i accidentally dropped my toy car on the floor, and it rolled away, fast as lightning. a little girl picked it up, thinking it was hers. i was about to explain, but she ran off before i could say anything. that made me feel sad, but my mom said, 'don't worry, we'll get you a new one.'

when we arrived at grandma's, there was a big feast waiting for us. the food was so delicious that i ate more than i should have, making my tummy feel like a balloon. after dinner, we played games and told stories by the fireplace. it was a night filled with laughter and joy.

the next day, we went on a hike. i found a beautiful feather, and i imagined it belonged to a magical bird. but, suddenly, a dog chased after me, barking loudly. i was scared, but my dad came to the rescue, pretending to be a fierce lion, scaring the dog away. it was a thrilling adventure!

that night, when i wrote in my diary, i realized how much fun i'd had. even though losing my toy car was sad, i learned that things can always be replaced. and, the dog chase? well, that just added some excitement to my new year's adventure.


本文生动地描绘了新年期间的家庭旅行,充满了童趣和生活气息。但文中存在一些小瑕疵。如'fast as lightning'的比喻稍显夸张,小学生可能无法准确把握其含义。另外,“my tummy feel like a balloon”虽然形象,但语法上应改为'my tummy felt like a balloon'。




在描述玩具车丢失的情节时,可以更细致地描绘小作者的心理变化,如:'i watched helplessly as my toy car disappeared from sight, feeling a pang of sadness in my heart.' 这样能更好地展现情感的细腻。


it was the dawn of the new year, and i leapt out of bed, brimming with excitement. our family was headed to the countryside to visit grandma. breakfast was a rushed affair, followed by a flurry of packing, including my beloved toy car, books, and, of course, an abundance of snacks.

en route, we stumbled upon a quaint bakery. there, i purchased a snowman-shaped cake that dissolved delightfully on my tongue. however, disaster struck when my toy car slipped from my hand, rolling into a corner. before i could retrieve it, a little girl snatched it, dashing off before i could clarify. i felt a twinge of disappointment, but mom reassured me with a promise of a new one.

grandma's house welcomed us with a sumptuous feast. overwhelmed by the delectable dishes, i overate, leaving my stomach bulging like a party balloon. post-dinner, we gathered around the fireplace, engrossed in games and storytelling, filling the night with laughter.

the following day, a hiking adventure awaited. amidst nature's beauty, i discovered a stunning feather, envisioning it as a magical bird's lost treasure. suddenly, a playful dog dashed towards me, barking playfully. heart racing, i froze until dad swooped in, mimicking a fierce lion, sending the dog scampering. it was a thrilling, albeit unexpected, encounter.

reflecting on the day in my journal, i understood that while losing my toy car was disheartening, it was a reminder that material possessions can always be replaced. the dog's chase, though scary, injected an exhilarating twist into my new year's adventure.






标题:my new year's adventureit was the beginning of the new year, and i was super excited! my family had planned to visit my grandma in the countryside. we woke


  • 新春英语作文六年级
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    标题:my new year's adventureit was the beginning of the new year, and i was super excited! my family had planned to visit my grandma in the countryside ...[更多]
